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  1. My friend, I am sorry to reply you so late, because I am not good at using this software,I just can't solve my confusion because of the language problem, so thank you very much for answering me, but I don't quite understand the monitors native resolution,How can I fill out this form correctly?My initial resolution was 1920 * 1080, and the screen was 24 inches,Thanks again for your reply,We all love these games。
  2. csgo与pubg灵敏度互换。 各位大佬,我英语有点捉急,但喜欢fps类游戏,我感觉我自己填了算出来的用起来好像不准确,但又不懂,能不能解答一下啊。。。 csgo分辨率1024*768黑边,dpi400,游戏内灵敏度1.9 pubg fpp 分辨率1728*1080拉伸,dpi400,游戏内全44 俩游戏里的视角也都是用的默认的 总感觉csgo的换算到pubg里的不对,但又不知道问题出在哪,我一直以为是关于分辨率的具体情况不知道在哪填导致的,因为英语不好,机器翻译也翻不出来,求各位大佬帮帮忙。。。 不知道Conversion setup这一栏是啥,fov type这一项也不知道是啥 就只会填分辨率,dpi,游戏选项,灵敏度,aim。。请问还有其他影响因素吗。。
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