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Everything posted by starwhore

  1. I've just done and noticed that and couldn't close that topic in time before you've replied. Sorry!
  2. Right now I'm playing a lot of CoD 19 and would like to use my sensitivity for other games, but getting the same error message Calculated sensitivity too low for Hipfire: 0.00 (min is 1) or Calculated sensitivity too low for Hipfire: 0.000000 (min is 0.001) Reduce DPI (max 0) 1600dpi and sensi 4. I've tried Overwatch, TF2, Sea of Thieves, Wolfenstein New Order. I think it worked a few weeks ago.
  3. While setting up my L4D2 sensi I've found m_customaccel "0" under your Notes m-s.com http://prntscr.com/nio8at *.cfg http://prntscr.com/nio8sa Is it something different, like m_customaccel_exponent "1" or did you just copy paste it twice?
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