So im a pubg player and i want to train my ads sens.
According to calculator, these are my settings.From my general sens i did my all other sens like that.So it gives my ADS sens (Which is 70 FOV) 39.718563.
After i take that sens and put like
After i take that sens and put it to calculator to find ; as you can see below, i put my kovaak 70 FOV to make it like PUBG ADS and as you can see calculator the FOVs exactly same. So calculator gave me that "0.3459834" Number. But after that, When i try to do 360 turn with the program called Sensitivity Matcher, it does not turn 360 with this value. The exact value for same 360 with pubg ads and Kovaak is
So what's wrong? Why calculator gave me a wrong number? How can i rely on the calculator for next calculations for maybe something else? I think i should stick with the TRUE 360 TURN number and dont think about the calculator?