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Everything posted by lipsin

  1. why does scopes feels faster if it is good for maintaining muscle memory
  2. so it makes the same number for pubg then. 40 hipfire = 40 ads? but its like ads feels faster in this way.
  3. maybe im doin some mistakes with sens matcher.
  4. i just find the value by turning 360. and made them equal in games. so i turn 360 with the same value in the program for each game.
  5. actually you can check first post.
  6. sensmatcher program gives different value than calculator. Am i missing something?
  7. Why its stiII different from kovaaks sens matcher? i still dont know which one is right
  8. k thank you so much
  9. may i ask you to post a screenshot 44 pubg general convert to kovaak's hipfire ? fovs 90. Also can you explain more the difference between them? i mean its preference but which one is better to train aim
  10. but isnt it already default like that
  11. what do you mean with that? So basically can anyone post screenshot 44 pubg general sens to kovaak's hipfire? fovs90 dpi 400.
  12. Any update on this? Also wanted to ask something else didn't want to new topic. When we give our general sens to calculator, it does give ADS and all the scopes and gives each one specific sensitivity. What is the reason behind it? I mean what is the theory? What would happen if i make my all sens same?
  13. I tried and even with 70,103,150 it turn 360 with same sens. So why is that?
  14. I'm not using ADS sens in KovaaK if im not misunderstood what you write. I'm using hipfire sens in kovaak. But i made it 70 fov, so it is same with pubg ads fov. And as i said above, they are perfectly matches on 360 turn.
  15. If im not mistaken yes. Here is the screenshot. https://gyazo.com/86f270154d1574ba4c51770eaa9093f7 And this one also is gameusersettings from pubg config file.As you can see below, ADS Sens(scoping) is 39.718563 https://gyazo.com/c7224a6e4771e8d3a5525c0efd46f017
  16. Hey thanks for response. I do not have any userinput.ini thing. So i still don't know what's the issue. I'm using the sens which Sensitivity Matcher gives me atm. Anyone else here having problem? Maybe it is about the ADS "( AR/LMG/DMR/Sniper )"
  17. So im a pubg player and i want to train my ads sens. According to calculator, these are my settings.From my general sens i did my all other sens like that.So it gives my ADS sens (Which is 70 FOV) 39.718563. After i take that sens and put like https://gyazo.com/f4da14fc70305bf335b9045116bb47dd After i take that sens and put it to calculator to find ; as you can see below, i put my kovaak 70 FOV to make it like PUBG ADS and as you can see calculator the FOVs exactly same. So calculator gave me that "0.3459834" Number. But after that, When i try to do 360 turn with the program called Sensitivity Matcher, it does not turn 360 with this value. The exact value for same 360 with pubg ads and Kovaak is "0.36729". So what's wrong? Why calculator gave me a wrong number? How can i rely on the calculator for next calculations for maybe something else? I think i should stick with the TRUE 360 TURN number and dont think about the calculator? https://gyazo.com/bd767eca5bb638d2bcb9697415720eef
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