First, mind my bad English.
My sensitivity in MW is 10.53, 120 FOV (affected), Relative 1.78, and low zoom ADS is 1.14 cos I wanna use the same hipfire sens as the SMG ads.
A few days ago I saw a youtube video saying that using Legacy will make hipfire sens the same as low zoom ADS sens across all gun categories without messing with ADS numbers.
So I tried it myself, set the sens to 10.50 and 1.00 ADS, and used sensitivity matcher app to measure the 360 distance and it worked (it was the same ADS 360 distance as the old one).
But there's something bothers me and I came here to make sure, When I use the old sens (Relative), I noticed that mouse rotation feels faster than Legacy although both sens' have the same ADS 360 distance!
So is the ADS rotation speed in legacy slower than Relative (in case they both have the same 360)? or am I trippin'?
Old sens:
DPI: 400, Polling Rate: 1000 Hz
10.53/ 1.14 ADS (low zoom)/ Relative 1.78/ FOV: 120, Affected.
New sens:
10.50/ 1.00 ADS (low zoom)/ Legacy/ FOV: 120, Affected.
(The reason why there's a 0.03 difference is because both have the same exact ADS 360)
once again I apologize for my bad English