For the past few betas in the game, I was playing around with Strinova's scoped sensitivities, and the one that this website generates are not 1:1.
For instance, in Overwatch, if you set windowmakers scoped sense to 37.89, aiming down sights feels the same as hipfire. The website correctly generates this, but for some reason it does not correctly do it for Strinova.
I think the issue is strinova goes from third person to first person when aiming down sites, and I can't get it to convert perfectly.
Through my own testing, the following values feel the closest to 1:1
.88 for light machine gun
.86 for markman rifle
.82 for bolt action
I made this, but I am not really satisfied with how it feels, which makes sense since the guns I am converting from do not have the same ads fov as the ones in Overwatch:
Any one know of any better ways to get to the bottom of this?