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  1. oh you were right, there was a problem. but for gradual when the multipliers are 1.00 it can't be increasing from 0.00 so whats the number and the other two seems not affected by the change because they apply the multilier immediately the ads is a product of two factor and the ads changes when the multiplier changes
  2. haha, won't think about it when playing, quite fascinating human is a machine of adapting. this could be the point: 10% of final zoom scope sens -> 20%of final scope sens the sens especially the ads sens can be measured by 360d or percentage of hipfire 360d or some monitor distance match, if the sens increases linearly in one scale above, it won't be linear in the others. so what's the choice of scale? thanks for getting me here. This I think is like understanding as a developer. (could you tell me more about path of least resistance of its just a word?)
  3. well,I agree that pros aren't pros of settings, but I thought pros have made their choice from so many values during their long playtime ( and I think the sens should be more similar to racket pounds which is chosen by himself?) as for the behavior, in codmw, if you try aim at one point,make lateral movement,and right click at intervals,with settings of instant,gradual and after zoom the aim point will move at different pattern even at 0%. What's interesting is gradual always have a in-between behavior of the other two but still not that smooth, without one setting it might be hard to distinguish the other two. (I remembered that if aim at a vertical line using 0%, move right and right click, the other two will keep the aim point on the line while the gradual setting will make the point swing around it) Further, for a instant zoom setting, when the fov changes along with the 360d, why can't a 0% with instant called gradual when the sens is changing gradually, for the sens is often measured by 360d. If r6s got instant zoom it should also have a similar pattern. And you are right that we can't avoid discrepancy but I just wanted to issue the affection of those behaviors and it does exists. I know we can't change those settings but to adapt, I was just interested when posting.
  4. thanks a lot, 0% with gradual does work well, but 1.33 coefficient is a general setting of many cod top players so the value is more than default and should anyway have its advantage. On the other hand, some other games, like r6s and pubg, feels more like after zoom but could also be another kind of gradual zoom. And if there are difference, the convertion of the games can't be right, at least for the first several shots after zoom. And for snipers and some guy who wants to make a headshot, this discrepancy is quite deadly. And…some games, like destiny 2, can't even get a 0% ads. so it comes to the original question of this discussion, there should be a way, like a function or a game engine setting about fov change, to describe the change in the process of zooming in, of 360 distance, of some other value related to the fov… Maybe only the games with similar zooming in process can be "based on".
  5. the description about 'gradually' is vague,for example,if one uses the MD coefficient 1.33 ,zoom in and move the mouse at a constant speed,the aim point will move with an increasing unpredictable speed and the point after zoom will be affected greatly by the 'gradually' method;but for the 0.00 zoom the speed of aim point won't even change. However, 'gradually' and coefficient 1.33 are the default settings of codmw,if the mechanic affects a lot,the coversion about cod mw will be not right, when you press the right button, the aim point will never be the place you want it to be.
  6. In some games like csgo the ads fov is instantly applied but for some games the fov is progressively changed into the ads fov, when the aiming down sight time is long enough,is the ads value applied instantly the time you press the button or after fully zoomed in? And in the process of zooming in is the sensitivity set at a constant rotation speed or altered by some monitor distance match? Is there a common mechanism in most games?
  7. Name: bioshock remasteredWebsite: https://store.steampowered.com/app/409710/_/Status: releasedRelease date: 2016Availability: purchase this game has a recent update on fov and sensitivity adjustment so the current calculation may be improved
  8. Name: GTFO Website: https://store.steampowered.com/app/493520/GTFO/ Status: Release Release date: Dec 10, 2019 Availability: Purchase
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