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Everything posted by Traxilla

  1. To be fair, it could actually be pretty fun to get a calculator, that can do a 1:1 ratio with Mousepad to Monitor, if you put in the cm and such. Or just as close as possible, as most mouse can only do increments of 50 or 100 DPI
  2. i don't really think there is a need for it, if you guys just use the sens to desktop calculator, and have 1.00 ingame sens, it will be the same as on the desktop And no matter what you do, the sens on desktop is gonna feel alot faster than in an fps game due to the fact that the calculator goes in 360 degrees "One side of the desktop, to the other side with 1 monitor"
  3. Hoooly shit you added alot today! Keep up the good work mate!
  4. Ooooh your grace, could you by any chance revisit GTA 5? It seems since your calculations they have updated some of the sensitivity "stuffs" For example, Raw input doesn't give input lag like hell anymore, I did a little test earlier with some of the Frame to Sens thing they have going on, and it seems to be all the same now. Would be glad if you could give your input on this, and maybe add more calculations... Ex Third person aim sens Have a good day lad!
  5. Ark survival evolved my friend
  6. Hey! 5 year Osu! player here in the top 200 ranks. I don't know all that much about how the mouse movement works in osu, however i do know that if you have 6/11 in windows and 1.0 ingame the mouse sensitivity should be the same as on the desktop regardless of the resolution, unless the game is ran in fullscreen mode. Most players use windowed mode and instead of changing mouse sensitivity they change resolution or DPI of their mouse so the pixels moved stays the same as on their desktop
  7. Please add insurgency my love! <3
  8. Oh my dear god i absolutely love you <3 <3 <3
  9. If you really love me. You would give me the amazing christmas present of adding Rust in there! </3
  10. I went in, and i see what you mean. The game doesn't seem to have 1:1 ratio mouse input. I looked around and saw that Dean posted on reddit that it is something that he agrees is a problem, and they're trying to fix it :S
  11. Need a survivor with a firm aim and 500+ hours on DayZ mod to team up?
  12. Honeeeey! You have to put up the DayZ standalone wizard by tomorrow! Hugs and kisses! <3 "No homo! " Keep up the great work mate! Consider putting apps on this website man, you need to earn something from this
  13. When DayZ standalone comes out, will you add that aswell? I will give you the absolute most hugs and kisses you'll ever need <3
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