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Everything posted by Ryzzen117

  1. Wicg gives me this result :
  2. Still feels too slow
  3. Gonna check that this evening, keep you updated
  4. Thx a lot !
  5. I was wondering, are you gonna fix the calculator for the current version of SC ? Cuz we are actualy doing competitive matches Star Marine matches (with our own tournaments) and I'd realy like my CS:GO sens and since we are not not going to have any update soon, maybe it the fixed calculator could stay revelant for a longer period of time now
  6. Can confirm, it's all slowed down now ...
  7. Nope, exactly like this To be honest, I think the problem comes from the way they handle the player view, they want only one camera that sees what other player see, so they probably did trick too much with the FOV when ADSing so it still look nice even tho they do not have a camera specificaly for the weapon view
  8. Sens curves are at 1, I tried it with a P4, a S71 and a Coda The P4 feels a little too slow, the Coda feels WAY too slow, and the S71 feels too fast
  9. Hello, me again, 3.5 is out and so I tested out to get my CS:GO sens to SC, and it realy doesn't feel like it, the hipfire sens feels weird and the ADS sens is REALY way too slow. Here is my settings (everything is calculated with monitor distance distance horizontal 0%
  10. Yep, by mouse sens I mean mostly when you are in free look, but every ppl I know that plays arena commander competitivly plays with joysticks and edit the curves, so maybe I'm wrong but I don't think there is much to do here. Basicaly in flight mod, your sens doesn't realy matter, it's the speed of your thrusters that does
  11. As far as I know, when you want to adjust your flight sens, you use your mouse sens + all the sliders that move the curve Flight as been made for joysticks, so I don't think it is needed anyway
  12. Yeah I know I did that already and my hipfire sens is good, just the ADS is too fast edit, Instead of have my ADS sliders to 146%, I only set the universal soldier aim slider to 146% and it feels way better, was that the problem ?
  13. Hello, used this site to transfer my CS:GO sens to BF5, but the ADS sens feels way to fast, any idea why ?
  14. Great job for the ADS added ! So I juste take that and let every other sliders to 1, thx for the answer, I'll check that out tomorrow ! Have a good day
  15. Hello, 3.5 is coming up and a fixed Star Marine with it ! So I wanted to get back in but I did a lot of changes in my sens, so I wanted to use this website to take my csgo sens in StarCitizen, but i only see one value (even for hipfire), wich is the mouse sens, could I get a little help with how to set everything up ? (there is a loooot of sliders in this game and I'm a little lost ... x) )
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