I tried to convert my normal QL sens to QL zoom sens and results were complitely wrong.. So here are the steps ive done:
1) Im using 800x600 res, 800 dpi, 2.5 ingame sens and 90 fov in QL
2) Wanted a flat convertion from 90fov 2.5sens to 45fov and 2x times slower sens when zoomed
3) Used match monitor distance by 100% to get those results , so according to calculator if i want my 20,7818cm per 360 (which is sens 2.5 and 800 dpi) become 41,5636cm per 360 when using zoom_fov 45 my cg_zoomsensitivity should be 0.850558
4) Tried that ingame and instead of 41,5cm per 360 when zoomed i end up with 50+cm..
Is there a mistake in your zoom formula? Mb it somehow has to deal that im using 4x3 aspect instead of 16x9, but thats just a guess