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Everything posted by Dribbler

  1. To exclude other factors as the user of your calculator since day 1 im 100% sure its not being mouse dpi inacuracy, anything hw/software related etc and the miscalculation lies within the specific game. In Roblox Arsenal all calculations are precise and correct so its smth to do with No-Scope Sniping game. Im trying to get 23.7cm/360 sens on 808 dpi which gives me 0.1326 in calculator but this turns out to be much faster and to get closer to my desired cm/360 i need to set sens ingame to smth around 0.096. Im playin in 4x3 aspect (800x600 lol) and mb this somehow might affect sens eventho it says that its not affected by fov. Also a lil bit offtop: since any visa/master/paypal is blocked for russian users is there any other way to make payment and sub?
  2. Can you check sensitivity and fov for no-scope sniping mod pls, it seems way off, no mater if it's ui or config sens. And possibly add no-scope arcade mod as it's one of the most popular in Roblox atm but not in the list in calculator yet
  3. Works well for me when switching from 4x3 to 16x9. This way your sens will be scaled the same way like you feel when going from hipfire to zoom in CSGO, so should work for you
  4. I've been playin UT and Quake series competitively on 18-19cm/360 no accel and eventho i managed to achieve good results in tournaments that setup requered me to have my wrist placed on the edge of the table very firmly to deny all the overaiming by uncessery motions and fluctuations aswell as the need for lots of concentration and being inshape. After experimenting with lowering sens i can say that the fastest you can go without that need of too much concentration while being able to stabily hit long range hitscan shots and heads in games like CS etc, which i also play from time to time caually, starts somewhere from 24+cm(9,5 inches). Its still fast enough but easier controlable. Also your statement about longer warmup time needed for lower sens is kinda wrong. Actually its the opposite: the higher the sens the more time it requeres to get the feel of that microcontrol, micromotions and microcorrections, while the lower it gets the more its like rowing sport lol, it might be more exhauting phyically for muscles but at the same time no need for accuracy of a surgeon. So basically it would take longer to get in shape if you are playin rarely and on a high sens then on a low one. As for accel i would say dont mess with it unless you dont have that much time to practice, it might feel more intuitive to use at first, but in a long run it takes more time to master compared to fixed sens value. Im not much into BF or Apex but it took me a minute to find out that your idol Relaa use 34.6cm/360 which isnt too highsens as you mentioned. So if you want to have similar playstyle you can just copycat his settings and stick with those forever since ~35cm is kinda average and suitable sens for any fps game either its fastpaced arena shooter like Quake or a tactical slower one like Cs,Valorant or whatever. But note that different fov across games also matters on a sensitivity perception so you might want to use monitor distance calculation instead of cm/360 when goin from one game to another. I personally use 100% horizontal
  5. @DPI WizardHi there. Since some ppl still play this game there was request to add zoom fov and mb zoom sensitivity option to the calculator, since railgun zoom value is somekind hardcoded to constant which is pretty hard to measure without special tool (from my research its around 33 hor fov for 4x3 res, but would be awesome to know exact value). As a result without knowing exact zoomfov value, the cvar "pm_zoomedslow" which is % from your hipfire sensitivity used for zoomsens cant be set accordingly to your preferences. Thanks in advance!
  6. If you are used to and feel comfortable with standart CSGO zoom sens scaling then matchin MDH 100% would be the most natural thing to do since it will give you similar sens ratio with other FOVs and res
  7. Ouch
  8. Any news on win7? Or MarkC fix is enough for that?
  9. Tried MarkC mousefix, EnPP on/off, both steam and non-steam versions, custom open.gll file for newer hw, each gfx modes from opengl to dx9, dinput on/off, mouse smoothing off, literally everything ppl suggest to get rid of accel in ut99 but its still in.. Any ideas what else could be done or whats the cause? On one of the forums someone mentioned this tool https://github.com/dpjudas/UT99DInput but maybe im too stupid to sort out how to use it.. Im on win7 but have xp installed aswell and tested ut99 there, discovering asame accel problem is still present
  10. The lowest sens limit where you can use wrist only without arm involved at all is somewhere around 18cm/360. As for mainly wrist with just a bit of arm for quick 180 degree turns etc as you describe i think its approximately 23-24cm/360. At 25+cm it starts to requere kinda different lowsens mouse technique which puts emphasis on arm movement
  11. That might be the case since im still using CPL mousefix. It worked fine in other older games like Quake3, UT2004 though
  12. Wonder does this game also have mouse acceleration or pixel skipping? Ive set all my sens calculations correctly and use 360 degree turn script to check it. Around half of the time its perfectly correct, but in other 50% of measurements it makes bigger rotation then it normally should
  13. Might be wrong but probably you are changing your main hipfire sensitivity in kovaaks while there is independent zoom/ads sens scaling there. Look for weapon settings while in specific scenario in kovaak,disable zoom autoscaling and use zoom multiplier instead
  14. 26cm/360 is only high by CS standarts and can be considered as mid-low sens basically, which is more then enough for both tracking and flicking, especially if there are ADS as you mentioned. On a side note i find it harder to track small fast strafing targets on high sens (by high i refer to 20cm and less), while being able to hit nicely without zoom /ADS by 1 shot hitscan weapons like railgun, sniper etc even on smth like 17-18cm. Prolly depends on aim technique: to achieve those high accuracies on a high sens i turn in general direction of an enemy and then without arm being involved just do microcorrection by wrist/fingers. Might be benefitial in some ways to just do that few mm final flick instead of trying to flick all the way up 30-40cm distance. But since this trick couldnt be fully replicated when tracking, that aspect of aim suffers a bit
  15. Those sensor tests are the most representative and accurate in the whole internet so sh*t must be done atleast from time to time with most popular mice and sensors claimed to be the best in the market like gpro 3366, gpro hero and smth with 3389 for example to make us happy
  16. Thanks for clarifying!
  17. UT4 use 100% hor, 100% ver indeed, right? Also what about UT2004 and UT3?
  18. Quick question here. If i have exactly same cm/360 and FOV in both 1st person and 3rd person game would it technically be the same or the way it feels would be still affected by pivot point? I know the term "feel" is subjective and unlike majority here who stick to 0% monitor match, i always prefered flat convertion and scaling with 100% monitor match like for example 20cm on 90fov and 40cm on 45fov for the same feel etc. So would i achieve the same 100% monitor match feel by same FOV+cm/360 across 1st and 3rd person games without taking pivot point into consideration?
  19. G PRO Hero vs G PRO PMW3366 sensor test pls pls pls
  20. Thanks for your research! Does this mean we could expect G Pro Hero sensor acuracy test soon? Really looking forward for that
  21. Im on win7 so cant test it now
  22. I highly doubt that welcome login screen registry is also necessary. If so ppl would notice flawed mouse behaviour through all this time markc fix being around allready
  23. Its still in acceptable range even for arm-only mouse movent technique and palm grip. No need to worry
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