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Everything posted by bologna

  1. Sorry you ran into this issue. The driver has not changed at all. Installing on top of the old without uninstalling could cause this since it'd keep the old settings file. The structure of the settings file was changed recently to support the Y-Axis modifier for independent pitch or up/down sensitivity. Just clicking 'apply' would solve the issue since it updates the settings file.
  2. If you check the 'persistent settings' box, you can close the GUI and keep your settings. Under the 'options' menu, you can also check 'apply settings at logon' which will apply your settings when you log on without loading the GUI at all. Also, we haven't completely ruled out developing a proprietary driver, but it's not the kind of thing that can be done overnight. We're still exploring our options. If you have any more questions, feel free to use the email or discord links on the website.
  3. FACEIT recently incorrectly labeled the Interception driver as a cheat and we are in the process of appealing. We were considering creating another driver, but they could just eventually incorrectly label that as a cheat too. It would require much effort and it’s unrealistic for us to keep creating new drivers each time this happens, so we have chosen to appeal. The Interception driver is nothing more than a tool which allows for the modification of keyboard and mouse input. It’s hardly any different from any modern gaming keyboard or device that allows the creation of scripts or macros. It has no knowledge of any specific game code. It would have to be used in conjunction with some other program (an actual cheat) that is keeping track of what’s happening in a specific game. That is where the anti-cheat effort should be. Unfortunately, FACEIT has taken the easy way out in this instance resulting in draconian measures. For now, all I can recommend is to avoid playing on the FACEIT platform or appeal to them if you wish to play there with the options provided in Custom Curve. The plan is to eventually reach out to partner with mice companies, hopefully making our options standard, once enough interest or demand has been demonstrated.
  4. Glad to hear it. You bring up a good point. There are some other considerations. The hotkey option might work. I’ve sent you a pm rather than getting into the weeds here.
  5. Thanks for the suggestions. Additional features are always a consideration. We’re pretty happy with where it is now, at least enough to start raising awareness. Some of what you suggest might be more complicated than it sounds. You’d understand if you looked under the hood, but we’ll keep an open mind for possible solutions and I’ll spare you the complete breakdown. One that can be ruled out is #2. Given the amount of control over settings, people could, and likely would, do some really dumb things, e.g., set all values to 0 or 2000. They must click ‘Apply’ and move the mouse to click ‘OK’ to confirm changes (keyboard shortcuts don’t work on that button and it never spawns under the cursor). This ensures the mouse remains in an operable state. Feel free to use the feedback email on the web site.
  6. Thanks for the feedback. I’ll see that the FAQ is updated to include driver uninstall instructions. @Comrade881Simply closing the program will return your mouse to it's default behavior as long as the 'persistent settings' box isn't checked. The interception driver is used by different applications, so uninstalling it would cause issues with any other program that relies on it. Leaving it installed *shouldn’t* affect anything, as long as no other programs are activating it through API calls. At least I’m not aware of anyone having that issue. But I understand people may want to be sure it’s completely removed.
  7. Yes, they both access the interception driver, but use different formulas for applying settings. You’ll only be prompted to install interception if you haven’t already. Yes. The X is showing a measurement of how fast you’re sliding the mouse. We call it “dots per cycle”. A cycle is 1 millisecond if your mouse polling rate is 1000hz. The Y value is the sensitivity. The X and Y values can be set to whatever you want, and the graph can scale to fit the data (just press down on the mouse wheel or hit 'R'). Can’t it be both? There is a free trial period of 10 days. After that, there is a one-time activation fee. You can activate it for $10 at the moment. Trying it will likely answer any questions you have. There is more info on the site and help in the program itself, but it’s designed to be simple. It’s just the one screen as shown in the GIFs plus some menu options.
  8. Povohat’s solution is definitely a good tool. I believe it was modeled after the options in Quake Live. Custom Curve uses different methods to provide a new level of control. Directly shaping the curve frees you from the restrictions of an exponent. It’s click and drag, so there is no need for variables to manipulate the curve. The real-time display of mouse motions in relation to settings makes it easy to understand what’s being represented. It becomes quick and easy to fine-tune settings customized to your needs. In short, it’s noob-friendly while also providing the widest range of settings yet.
  9. There are new sensitivity and mouse acceleration options available at https://mouseacceleration.com. The software features an interactive graph with draggable control points for more control. It also shows motion in real time which makes it easy to configure.
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