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  1. Roughly speaking, let’s say I trained my muscle memory at a normal sensitivity of 90 fov to such a state that I can get my eyes closed and flick in pixel that is exactly 2 cm to the left (judging by the distance measured on the monitor) from my crosshair. Then going into the zoom and making the same click on the muscle memory, I get into the same pixel (point on the screen)? I understand that it is impossible to accurately measure the distance, since the world will be distorted because it is 3D, but by making a quick click in one direction and back, we can roughly speaking represent the distance between the starting point and the ending point.
  2. Естественно при первом увеличении
  3. Naturally, at the first increase If I understand correctly, then when training tracking at such a speed I will feel as comfortable as with normal sensitivity?
  4. I tried to find the answer to my question about zoom sensitivity (0.818933) on reddit, but no one answered, and also asked a question to the one who created the post about this sensitivity So I ask this question here The Internet says that this sensitivity is correct in relation to the usual only on small flick It became interesting to me from what distance visually traveled on the screen does this sensitivity diverge from the usual?
  5. Hello I have 1 month sub And pls help me how convert mouse sensitivity osu to cs:go Osu Resolution: 1280x960 Sens: 1 To cs:go Resolution: 1280x960 And why zoom_sens_ration 0.818933 ? Its right only for 1x zoom awp ? but not right for 2x zoom. So if this true how conver osu. sens to zoom_sens_ration. Sorry. im newbie.
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