Hi guys
I must be doing something wrong because i found the config file and I have entered the the values from the calculator, but it does not affect my sensitivity at all. Can anyone guess what I am doing wrong?
My calc values all with ASD:
Post Scriptum - All w/ ADS
Sensitivity 1:
Multiplier 1:
SoldierZoomSensitivities=((1.000000, 0.209545),(4.000000, X.XXXXXX),(8.000000, X.XXXXXX))
SoldierZoomSensitivities=((1.000000, X.XXXXXX),(4.000000, 0.165523),(8.000000, X.XXXXXX))
360° distance:
51.9545 cm
Max discrepancy:
-0.0003% (-0.0013 cm)
Max pixel ratio:
0.6451 pixels/count
Config FOV:
Actual VFOV:
64.010766 degrees
Actual HFOV:
90 degrees
Zoom Sens. Scaling: