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Everything posted by hansi961

  1. Yes i am, still does nothing. BTW I have noticed that there are some changes to the game. Maybe a patch or update that made the calculations change? NVM I reinstalled and it works now. Thank you so much for replying
  2. Hi guys I must be doing something wrong because i found the config file and I have entered the the values from the calculator, but it does not affect my sensitivity at all. Can anyone guess what I am doing wrong? My calc values all with ASD: Post Scriptum - All w/ ADS Sensitivity 1: GlobalSensitivity=1 Multiplier 1: SoldierSensitivity=0.251454 SoldierZoomSensitivities=((1.000000, 0.209545),(4.000000, X.XXXXXX),(8.000000, X.XXXXXX)) SoldierZoomSensitivities=((1.000000, X.XXXXXX),(4.000000, 0.165523),(8.000000, X.XXXXXX)) 360° distance: 51.9545 cm Max discrepancy: -0.0003% (-0.0013 cm) Max pixel ratio: 0.6451 pixels/count Config FOV: FOV=90 Actual VFOV: 64.010766 degrees Actual HFOV: 90 degrees Zoom Sens. Scaling: Yes
  3. Lot of updates since release. Please review
  4. Hi Great work on this site!! Could someone please review State of Decay 2 please. Lot of updates since release. Thank you
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