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Everything posted by Miko19

  1. Online is noticeably harder because you don't get the slowdown of Dead Eye and hitting people who constantly do animations to bob and weave, combined with your screen shaking, makes hitting anyone quite difficult and annoying.
  2. From the latest patch notes. It also does seem fixed in game, turning off smoothing, but it may be placebo, idk.
  3. You're a hero lol. Trying to shoot NPCs in Online is a nightmare - screen shake + your point of aim being moved around in addition to said screen shake + accuracy bloom + enemies bobbing and weaving Matrix dodging your shots + badly set sensitivity = good luck hitting anyone. :S
  4. So apparently, as counterintuitive as it sounds, turning up Mouse Smoothness actually makes the aiming feel somewhat bearable. Lord what an awful port this is lol.
  5. Name: Red Dead Redemption 2 Website: https://www.rockstargames.com/reddeadredemption2/ Status: Released Release date: 5th of November 2019 Availability: Purchase Controls feel kinda crap because the sens adjustments are very imprecise like GTA V, sadly.
  6. It is at 177% in both games and the calculator's output doesn't seem to translate the sensitivity values. In BF1, the only thing I touched was the USA, with no changes to individual zoom sensitivities. Keeping the exact same settings in both games, they're not consistent at all between zoom levels in BF1 and BFV - that's the issue I'm trying to figure out with the calculator's help, but to no avail, sadly.
  7. @DPI Wizard Hey there, I've been struggling with my sensitivity in BF V since the alpha's release, with the USA and ADS sens always being off - too slow or too fast, despite converting my BF1 settings 1:1, or at least from what I could gather. USA at 177% in BF1 is perfect for me, but in BFV the higher your magnification, the worse it gets, with the aim being too fast. There's an issue with the game or the values, as many of the "comp" players of Battlefields past have also been complaining about it, so maybe there's something you could figure out? EDIT: And I run ADS FOV OFF in both titles - it doesn't seem to change the calculator's output either way from what I noticed.
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