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  1. Whatdoes it exactly do?
  2. Ohh i think i already get it. thank you for the help!
  3. Sorry for asking a lot of questions, but i just wanna be sure. What do i need to choose to have exact same muscle memory of the other game for 1x scopes? do i need to select cm/360? horizontal viewspeed? Which one gives the same muscle memory from other games for ADS?
  4. Ive asked about this already. because the 360 wasnt the same if i converted to other games. But i mostly care about my muscle memory. To get the same muscle memory do i need to do what the converter says if do the exact cm/360? Does cm/360 care for muscle memory? what do i need to choose in calculator to have the exact same muscle memory i got from other game?
  5. But what do i need to choose to have the exact same muscle memory i got from the other game?
  6. Mostly if i try to convert games the hipfire always perfectly converts but scopes like ads and 1x scopes have a whole different sensitivity then the game i tried to convert from. Its a lot of higher cm/360. what is wrong?
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