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Everything posted by WhoCares?

  1. I didnt ment accuracy in detail, just more focus on whats going on in the game. My screen is 27inches and I am sitting arround 60cm far away.
  2. Yeah, I feel the same, (maybe ist just placebo), but I feel like I have more focus on the game. But I am affright of my eyes will get hurt when sitting so close to my screen. Until now I dont need any glasses whatsoever and I want to keep it that way How close do you sit infront of your screen? (and whats the size of your monitor?)
  3. Havent played R6 for ages and pretty much forgot everything about how the sensitivity settings are working there. But I bookmarked this link. Maybe it helps you, maybe it doesnt, you should have a look.
  4. I was reading/watching it right now Thank you for your effort
  5. Yeah I have the same issue
  6. I feel like it's the opposite 0%mm is best for games with heavy recoil because is most "precise" for small adjustments in the middle of the screen like you need for controlling recoil and not like 75%mm or viewspeed which Matches further to the edges of the screen. -> Better for large flicks. Preference Maybe
  7. Yeah I found it strange too So it's best to set it to 1.0 for my desire of switching fovs, right?
  8. Thank you a lot ! But are you sure ADS sensitivity doesnt affect the fov_cs_debug? I mean I am pretty sure it does If I set it to 0.1 my normal hip fire sensitivity is nearly zero when using 50 fov forced by fov_cs_debug comment. EDIT: Just checked again. When using fov_cs_debug you sensitivity is definitly affected by the ads sensitivity slider. I used 89 fov und lower the ads sensitivity slider all the way down, and my sensitivity is extremely low. When I set it to 1.0 ist fine again.
  9. Hi all Until now I didnt spend a lot of time in CSGO, so I am not that well-versed in therms of console-commands and stuff. I would like to train my aim at different FOVs with help of CSGO. For different FOVs I want to scale my sensitivity with 0% Monitor match, and I want to change this by doing a simple key press For example: When I press Numpad 1, my fov is lowert from 90 (4:3) to 50 (4:3) and the corresponding sensitivity (in my case 0.593440 at 1600 DPI and full-HD) will be automatically lowert (in my case 0.498106.) I know somewhere in this forum (I belive in Viewspeed Rework) somone posted this kind of scripts, but I can not find them anymore I can do the calculation for myself, I justn need an example how to do the keybinds Can anyone help me out? AND, before I forget: is sensitivity affected by the ads-sensitivity slider when using the fov_cs_debug comment? (even when not using an actuall scope? From my testing it looks like it does) If yes, do just I just set the ads-sensitivity slider to 1.0 and do all the caculations with the normal sensitivity?
  10. Yeah, I was playing Payday 2 as well And Battlefield 3's menu curser speed isn't affected by WPS for some reason too
  11. Just out of interest: How do you navigate through ingame menus? The curser is waaaay to fast with high DPI values and isn't affected by WPS when RAW-mouse-input is enabled.
  12. I am interested in your results too !
  13. I would have quoted the post, but unfortunately all posts from drimzi are gone (at least I cant see them....for all of you too ? ) I just had saved that Formular from Wolfram! Thanks for that explanation tho !
  14. http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=x%3D90;+y%3D3%2F4;+h%3D1080;+m%3D2400;+w%3D1%2F8;+f%3Darctan(sqrt(2)+y+tan((π+x)%2F360));+d%3Dπ+h%2F(m+w);+d+%2F+f @Skwuruhl What do you think of this formular from drimzi in a mathematically way?
  15. And (correct me if I am wrong) v2 is aspect Ratio independent and v1 is not.
  16. Neither: Matching "Monitor match" between different aspect rations doent work that easy
  17. One year ago I had the same idea, unfortunely ist not working like this because your monitor is flat (I know it's curved but we treat it like it is flat ) and you need the chord length of your games fov to be matched, not your actual Monitor surface. If your monitor is curved in the same way the chord length of your game is curved, then it would work
  18. 360° distance is only the same when the fov are the same. Overwatch is locked to max 103 horizontal fov CS:GO is locked to a fixed 106.26 horizontal fov (90 hfov 4:3 equals 106.26 hfov 16:9) Thats why your 360° distance differs. You cant use 360° distance is this szenario, because ist not possible to lower the fov in csgo, neither it is possible to increase the fov in OW further than 105 EDIT: actually you can match both games with 360° distance, but the resulting sensitivity would be wrong.
  19. I don't know how to calculate it. I dont even think it would make sense because there are way more variables like sliding friction from your new mouse feet, the lift-off distance, friction mousepad ect.. I suggest sticking to your DPI you are comfortable with and get used to the new mouse Anyways..just from fiddle around I got this: (5.9*(1/2400))/6.9)^-1 = 2806.78 So if you really want to raise you dpi try 2800, but I dont even know if that makse sense tho
  20. How should we know ? Just test some values and give it a try I don't think there is a formular for this (maybe you can fiddle around with p = m · v) I think it is easier to get used to a new weight, rather then getting used to a new dpi /edpi
  21. 1.78 coefficient is 100% match. Using Skwuruhl correct method (I was wrong^^) : 1.78 *9/16 = 1.0
  22. USA 1.33333 isn't 50 % monitor match, it's 75 % on a 16:9 Screen I think Dice is rounding, since 1.3333333333....^ -1 = 0.75
  23. Yeah, try to use as much inches from the left side to the right side as possible, without hitting the right border of your Screen. And try to move the mouse with consistent speed, since this cheap laser mice often have extremely negative or positive acceleration
  24. Preference unfortunately IMO you should use the same fov for hipfire in all games for consistency. In csgo you cant change your fov. You are stuck with 90 hfov 4:3 which is 106.26 hfov on a 16:9 Monitor. Thats the fov value I use for hipfire in every game. In Battalion max hfov is 105. I think you can change this value in the console to 106.26 tho, (cant check it, because I dont have my Gaming PC here.) For aim down sights most people use either 0% monitor match, 75% Monitor match, or Viespeed 2 which is close to 75% Monitor match when using a 16:9 Monitor. There is no true answere yet, which one is the best. Try out what you find the best. Since you played a lot of csgo (which I assume because you are converting from ), you should use 75% Monitor match for Battalion, because csgo default scaling method for ads (AWP, AUG) is 75 % It's a complicated topic if you are new to this . Check out this helpfull videos from DPIWizard
  25. You have selected 'Viewspeed 1' in the picture instead of '360° distance', this won't result in the same as 360° distance when using different fovs Since you are using two diffrent fovs the 360° distance will differ. But have a look at the Base lenghth: Both have 5.5986 Inches, thats where the 0% Discrepancy takes place
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