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Everything posted by iBerggman

  1. Using the Config File 2 method makes the MouseSensitivity value get reset to the nearest even number and the corresponding LastConvertedMouseSensitivity when I press apply, it doesn't matter if I use MouseSensitivity only or both that and LastConvertedMouseSensitivity. Setting the .ini to read only doesn't work either as it seems to give the wrong sensitivity like it's skipping the calculations. Did something change or am I just doing it wrong? For now I think I'll just keep using LastConvertedMouseSensitivity only (Config File 1), since I have the .ini in read only I wouldn't get any benefit from the Config File 2 method anyway, right?
  2. The previous batches seem to have been pretty limited so I hope they send out keys to more people in the coming batches. Usually you'd find the keys for sale on keysellers but maybe there isn't that much interest in this kind of thing. Anyways, here's hoping I'm included in the next batch that's apparently coming in the "next couple days"
  3. Ooh, definitely liking the fov - fov scaling on this one after testing it quickly with the logitech script. The previous experimental monitor match felt like it was too slow at 30-50 and too fast at 100-120 fov, especially while trying to stay on target while strafing around a bot or when using one of those maps with the moving platform and static target. But with this one I can comfortably track and shoot moving bots and keep crosshair placement while strafing, even with the fov moving in and out between 30 and 120. I'll play some games tomorrow and try it some more but for now this one is looking really promising
  4. If you didn't do it already, try lowering your dpi so your csgo 360 distance from the new formula matches the old one if you feel the higher sensitivity throws you off. I used 1200 - WPS 3 before and lowered it to 1050 to get a more similar in game sensitivity with the new formula and now I'm liking the new one a lot more than I did initially.
  5. Thanks, but what if I'm clueless about how to get the fov of the sight?
  6. Do you think you could take a quick look at ironsight again? I'm interested in the holo sight ads fov (on 74 vfov) so I can match it via logitech scripting until we get ads sens adjustment in the game, it'd be great if you could add it to the calculator like with the Black Squad sights. The holographic sight should already be unlocked on the assault rifles. Once the game goes to 1.0 it'd be great to have every sight in the calculator but I guess its best to wait until then in case they change anything, I'll make sure to bug you about it when it does release
  7. Do any of you know if there's a way to make a script either in the csgo console or maybe logitech lua scripting that would randomly cycle between different fovs and sensitivities on it's own? I like testing sensitivities on the aim training maps from the workshop but I find manually switching the fovs distracts me too much from the aiming to really pay attention to how it feels. I guess the next best thing would be to have a button that toggles through a list of different fovs/sensitivities and set that on a macro so I'll start with that.
  8. Looks good, I always go for light themes if available so this is definitely a welcome addition! I do however prefer as little other colours than white if possible, light greys or blues would be my preferred choice for highlights, the light yellow we have now doesn't quite sit well with me, but it's probably just me being unnecessarily fussy. ^^
  9. I just put 50 on both hipfire and ads and let the multipliers do the rest, no idea if there's a better way but this seems most logical to me
  10. The game is open again for stress testing in preparation for the official open beta coming later this month, if anyone is interested in trying the game.
  11. Any updates on Ironsight?
  12. "Too much acceleration, so it will be impossible to add unless there's a fix."
  13. Perfect! Also, it looks like the fov is zoomed in by different amounts based on weapon type, smgs and shotguns zoom in less than assault rifles for example. The different variants of 1x scopes however seem to have the same fov, although I didn't check all of them as there's atleast 5 or 6 types of 1x scopes not to mention ironsights.
  14. Since you can set different sensitivities for each loadout I'd say it's a good idea to add both. Zoom 2 seems to be the second zoom level on snipers that support it. The DSR-1 for example has two levels, you can get access to that one in the third free weapon package found under dlc in steam.
  15. ADS sensitivity was just added with the latest patch, configurable as Zoom1 and Zoom2 per loadout. I'm guessing Zoom1 is 1x sights like holo / red dot and Zoom2 is sniper but I haven't tested it yet. It might be good to check that the same zoom level scopes all have equal zoom ratios as well, you can get free steam dlc that allow you to unlock and test most of the guns for free for 15 days.
  16. Converting from Windows/Desktop to Game with the new viewspeed doesn't seem to work, it always gives me the same value (2.170295 for csgo) no matter what DPI or WPS I use.
  17. Setting the .cfg to read only and not touching anything under control in the settings works for me. It seems if you touch anything like keybinds your sensitivity will reset to 50.
  18. Okay, thanks! I'll play some pubg today so I'll test out the 16:9 conversion first, I kind of like the idea of matching desktop - game. Not sure if it helps at all with building muscle memory for aiming but it does feel easier to go between 2D and 3D, especially in games where you both aim and use the cursor.
  19. The formula seems to give me a lower sensitivity than it did before, new 2D to 3D conversion method I take it?
  20. Looks like I have to try a Rival 310 then as it seems to check all the boxes, well except the ads sens scripting but that's such a small thing. A comfortable shape where I don't have to keep adjusting my hand is to way more important to me and something I haven't been able to find yet, and I've tried (although very briefly) a lot of mice since we have a store here that has most of the more popular models on display. I did use a EC1-A before and while it felt amazing when I put my hand on it at first, I still couldn't find a comfortable grip when gaming. I think the shape might be too low for me or the hump is too much in the front, didn't help that the coating made my hands feel sticky/dirty either... Too bad about the lack of scripting but I guess it really doesn't matter since you can still match the ads perfectly and just have a faster hipfire, there's really not that many games I'd use it for anyway.
  21. Sounds good, I'm considering switching my G403 to a Rival 310. The G403 is really nice in every other aspect expect the right side, with 19,5/10cm hands I feel there's too little to grip on to so my ring and pinky finger are just "there" and drag along the mousepad so it seems like the 310 would be the next best thing. But I do have some sugru so I might try creating some finger grooves on the right side of the G403 before I spend any more money on stuff I really don't need. ^^ Do you know if I can create a macro or something that would change the dpi when right mouse is held down? I've used a script on LGS to do this for games like cod where you can't individually adjust ads sensitivity so I'd be nice to have if I do make the switch to steelseries.
  22. See this is why I bought a lifetime membership! What was that, 5 min to respond?
  23. Can confirm /setsensitvity does work, tried settings decimal values in the shooting range and it does seem to change the sensitivity at least with 1 decimal anyway. Problem is you have to type it in at the start of every match... Can we have support for decimal values in the calculator please?
  24. If you use the calculator in pubg config mode you only need "MouseSensitivityName" and "LastConvertedMouseSensitivity", the other "MouseSensitivity" only changes the "LastConvertedMouseSensitivity" value so you can either remove it or leave it at 50. I removed it from mine to make the config easier to read. Like this: (MouseSensitiveName="Normal",LastConvertedMouseSensitivity=0.003340)
  25. Hmm? If you mean the "Individual" sensitivity I'm fairly certain those 3 respond to your loadouts F1, F2 & F3.
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