I have heard that playing 4:3 1280x960 is the same as playing 16:9 1920x1080 but with 'papers covering the displayscreen' meaning the fov is the same
thats why the sensitivity doesn't change when changeing these settings for a 360 rotation,
Then the desktop sensitivity convert-calculation to csgo is based from the centre to the edge of the windows screen.
but when converting sensitivity windows 6/11 to csgo differs between the 1280x960 and the 1920x1080.
Then i don't get the comparison between the 1280x960 and 1920x1080 and 'same but papers covering the displayscreen'
windows 6/11
csgo res 1920x1080
ingame sensitvity: 2.515629
windows 6/11
csgo res 1280x960
ingame sensitivity : 2.130682
seems like the calculation from desktop to csgo shows there is a difference in fov between the 1920x1080 and 1280x960
i don't get it, please help