Hi, I've found a mod for ADS sensitivity - hopefully links are allowed: www.nexusmods.com/atomicheart/mods/43
There's an instructions file in the downloaded mod, with the following text
'1.Open WeaponsAttributes.json (in Atomic Heart\Content\AtomicHeart\Content\GameTune on GamePass ver) with WordPad. Click on top of document (when text start).
2.Use CTRL+F to find. U need every "AimFieldOfView" line
3.Find every AimFieldOfView line and change his value to 0 everywere
For example: First that u will find is "AimFieldOfView": 15, will change to "AimFieldOfView": 0,
4.Do same for "AimSensitivityMultiplier" line and change his value to 1 everywere if u need 1:1 360 Sensitivity.
If u want change all weapons to same fov and sens as your favourite weapon. Default sens/fov modificators
KS-23: "AimSensitivityMultiplier": 0.77 | "AimFieldOfView": 10 // lowest fov modificator, highest sens multiplier = closest feel to 360
Electro: "AimSensitivityMultiplier": 0.5 | "AimFieldOfView": 30 // very high fov modificator, very low sens 50% of 360
Ak-47: "AimSensitivityMultiplier": 0.5 | "AimFieldOfView": 25
Krepysh(Rocket launcher): "AimSensitivityMultiplier": 0.55 | "AimFieldOfView": 25
PM: "AimSensitivityMultiplier": 0.55 | "AimFieldOfView": 25
Railgun: "AimSensitivityMultiplier": 0.35 | "AimFieldOfView": 38 // high fov modificator, veryy low sens
Dominator: "AimSensitivityMultiplier": 0.8'
The creator of the mod seems to be saying that an AimFieldOfView value of 0 leaves the ADS FOV the same as Hipfire FOV, and that an AimSensitivityMultiplier value of 1 keeps the 360 distance the same between Hipfire and ADS. I haven't verified this myself, but I'm posting this in order to ask:
If someone has time, would it be possible to implement ADS sensitivities to the calculator, or explain how to calculate the values myself so I can put them in my config file? If it helps I use MDV 54% for ADS and Scope.
Thanks in advance!