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MarXmen_Ws92's Achievements

  1. im having some issues with this i would really like some help on figuring out how i can get close as possible to same sense ingame thanks
  2. how would i get the sense right if i set it ingame to 1600 dpi ? how is this so confusing to figure out?
  3. why doesnt it let me go from my fortnite sense to Creative distruction is says the sens is too high?
  4. thanks man really appreciate the help!!!
  5. yikes ok ill try that am i doing everything els right? i want close to or exactly same sense in both games
  6. i put in my fortnite specs that it asked for and it converted them to ROE so i opened ROE and set everything to what it said to and its WAY off i mean not even close! my mouse dpi is 800 and fortnite sens is 0.156 and it tells me to set my sense in ROE to 15 and thats like super slow!!! dont know if im doing sothing wrong or this site converter just dont work right!!
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