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  1. I'm measuring with a tape measure. I've done this hundreds of times and i remember in the past whatever the calculator told me would match when i measured manually so...
  2. Checked my dpi and it seems to be alright. I don't get it.
  3. So I've used the calculator for a while now but i was messing around with my sense(again)...and i noticed what the calculator tells me to input in order to get a certain 360 distance is off in all the games? Example,i enter 18 inches in BFV and when i measure the 360 distance in the actual game it's 15 inches. WTH is going on?
  4. I have USA set to off. Maybe that's why i get different values?
  5. Hi! So,i've used the calculator for a while now but i've never understood if i'm supposed to or not,to enter the values i get for All sensitivities. Example,i want a 30 cm 360 in BFV. iI get the hipfire values but do i have to change my different ads values to what the calculator gives me or just leave them at 100%? Hipfire-7.7,1x 99%,1.5-97%, etc.? Thanks in advance!
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