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Everything posted by Saikokyari

  1. affects your sensitivity negatively in what way, because ik siege has nivida reflex and as of the moment i use that on + boost + nivida low latency. And im not getting the cpu bug to occur (as in no stutters ect) but im wondering more of the sens, like do you have a example or proof that it effects it? not doubting i just want to know how i can find out myself on my system
  2. With the update today can someone test raw input bug is still present?
  3. Could any nividia settings effect it? like low latency mode ect
  4. o heres the tweeter post https://twitter.com/search?q=raw input&src=typed_query
  5. I dont really have a way to test it myself.
  6. Nope but my sens feels much better on raw input off then on, may just be a placebo effect tho.
  7. Its also worth noting that the new season just came out and compressed the game download, along with new servers and ect, and ubisoft is notorious for making mistakes and producing more bugs then fix with each update.
  8. When turned on it makes the sens inconsistent, like overshoot under shoot ect, and with it off. Alot of other people are reporting that this is the case via tweeter, I'm having the same problem but In general im just reporting the problem here for possible hot fixes or something if its hardware related. I can post the tweeter post here if needed.
  9. Alot of players are having this problem, its due to raw input being bugged, I can send the twitter feed of the problem if want. Alot of people including myself in the esports scene are complaining
  10. So which one should i use
  11. Why is the config file and in game sens converter different? They both have the default multiplier but config is faster then in game,5 5 58 in game is 15.708 cm (800dpi) and config with the same multi and sens is 15.6779 Forgot to chance the aspect type but its the same result.
  12. Why is the config file and in game sens converter different? They both have the default multiplier but config is faster then in game,5 5 58 in game is 15.708 cm (800dpi) and config with the same multi and sens is 15.6779
  13. Rainbow Six Siege test servers with new granular zooms
  14. So I want to convert my Siege ADS sens to Valorant hipfire sens in terms of whats best for me, but im running diffrent aspect ratio across the 2 games along with diffrent fov Siege settings: (400 dpi) In game sens: 12,12,64 Fov: 82 on 4:3 stretched Valorant:(400) DPI 16:9 aspect ratio When i plug it into the calculator it gives me a value that just seems to fast
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