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e4zyphil's Achievements

  1. Like I said, I prefer assault rifles, but a thing like how the calculation is done and how I could switch it for SMGs or Snipers would also be nice.
  2. I don't understand you completely. Do you mean different weapons have several sensitivities? It would be nice for the normal iron sight, especially the ACR. Thanks man.
  3. This may be a bit old post, but i wanted to ask if there's any way to get the same sensitivity in zoom and hipfire, like I have it in all other games. Something like a config-value to change. If that isn't possible, is there a way to transfer my actual sensitivity to my zoom and not my hipfire-sens? Normally I have a 360° rotation of 34.6364 centimeters by 400 DPI and I play MW3 at a FOV of 90.
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