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potato psoas

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Everything posted by potato psoas

  1. Yeah I'm just gonna wait for this, can't be bothered to mess around with settings... gives me a headache.
  2. It helps a little bit, but practising 2D games won't magically make you better at 3D games. Reason being that you are comparing a crosshair to a cursor. The cursor can be anywhere on the screen whereas the crosshair stays at the center. And if you know much about converting sensitivity, perceived sensitivity changes depending on your distance from the monitor - so the cursor will feel slower at the edge of the monitor and faster at the center of the monitor. Similar principles apply to 3D, but it's more complicated. Personally I would still recommend matching your DPI to your in-game as it doesn't hurt to have them feel at least a little similar.
  3. Viewspeed v1 uses the horizontal FOV and v2 uses the vertical FOV. 75% monitor match is used in games like CS:GO (and other Valve games) and the Battlefield series, when using Universal Soldier Aiming
  4. Yeah muscle memory won't transfer properly if the game uses a different conversion method than what you prefer. Best option if that is the case is to adjust DPI when ADSing. It's not perfectly accurate but it's better than nothing. I'm not sure about other conversion methods but I can definitely feel that something is wrong when playing games that aren't using my preferred method (0%).
  5. this looks interesting
  6. It will tell you the actual HFOV in the calculator. Since your resolution is 4:3 and the game uses Hdeg 4:3 FOV type, the ingame FOV will be the actual HFOV. However, I assume you are playing stretched and not black bars? If you stretch the image you aren't maintaining a 1:1 ratio between the vertical and horizontal, so converting your sensitivity from CS:GO to non-stretched games like R6S will not work properly. Keep that in mind.
  7. Raft looks like a cool game
  8. I average the FOVs as well, but it makes me think - what is "average"? That's something that would have to be figured out as I always feel like I'm just estimating (not that it makes much of a difference).
  9. That's why I said you probably prefer 75% because it is what you are used to. Of course it would feel perfect for you because you've developed so much muscle memory using 75% from playing BF4. There really shouldn't be any difference in feel between your percentage method and 75% at all. The problem with going by feel is that you ignore what the math says. And the math says that there is no such thing as a perfect method. Something will always feel a little bit off. And knowing what feels off is the key to choosing what conversion method to use.
  10. You are assuming that all games use the same FOV Type. If you maintain vertical FOV then the horizontal FOV is cropped and added but if you maintain horizontal FOV then the vertical FOV is cropped and added. The diagram below shows "1:1" monitor matching and how it is not maintained with different aspect ratios because we are maintaining the horizontal FOV rather than the vertical FOV. But it doesn't even matter because what exactly is "X% monitor match" is arbitrary.
  11. If the monitor match percentage changes for different FOV, then the sensitivity isn't properly synced, as per the gear ratio concept, assuming it is the best way to convert sensitivity. Keep in mind, the gear ratio method is simply 100% monitor match. And what you need to remember is that "100% monitor match" is actually arbitrary, as it is dependent on aspect ratio, as you can see below: The same applies to the vertical. Vertically monitor matching is also aspect-ratio dependent.
  12. None of the presets will feel that good to you because none of them are perfect. There is always distortion on the screen, so muscle memory will never transfer equally for all points on the monitor, when monitor matching. Converting using cm/360 would be the perfect method but only if the distance between you and the monitor changed according to FOV, otherwise low FOVs feel too fast and high FOVs feel too slow. BF4 uses 75% monitor match to convert between FOV. I really don't think this method has the greatest assumptions. What is so special about finding a percentage? You'd have to explain why it works. But I don't think having a dynamic formula is the best way to do things. Monitor matching relies on the gear ratio concept, which shows that you can sync different FOV at a single point on the screen. Dynamic formulas aren't in sync because the point keeps changing. Apparently it gives similar results to 75% monitor match. If you ask me, you probably prefer this method because it's so similar to BF4, the game you seem to have played a lot of. CS:GO also uses 75% monitor match. It's probably best that you just use 75% monitor match, for the sake of maintaining muscle memory.
  13. Since DPI can only be set to intervals of 50, it has to round up or down. I replicated your settings but set the WPS to 1/11 and recalculated for 0% monitor match and the actual DPI is more like 578.125. 578.125 rounded up since it is closer to 600 than 550. You get into problems like this when you convert from games to desktop instead of converting from desktop to games.
  14. Well, the simple way to put it is that things look bigger the closer they are to you and things look smaller the further they are from you. So if you are moving the mouse, the cursor will look like it is moving much faster on the monitor when up close and much slower when further away.
  15. Well with some games they have sensitivity limits, so for those particular games you will have to change the DPI. 1600 DPI should still be low enough to rarely be an issue, but yeah, don't go too high. With Battlefield, you will have to edit the config file rather than the in-game sensitivity. I checked the calculator and your sensitivity works fine for Battlefield if you use the config file instead.
  16. The reason for the big difference is that Viewspeed v2 is not affected by your aspect ratio whereas v1 is. Jumping from 4:3 to 16:9 will give you really different results because they are very different aspect ratios.
  17. It's a little bit helpful, but keep in mind the cursor works a bit differently from a crosshair. The crosshair is always at the center - it's the reference point that you use to move to other points on the screen - but the cursor can be anywhere on the screen. If you know anything about perceived sensitivity, the closer you are to the monitor, the faster the sensitivity feels and the further you are from the monitor the slower your sensitivity feels. With a crosshair, you don't have to worry because it stays at the center, but with a cursor, the perceived sensitivity will change depending on where it is on the monitor. This is because different points on the monitor have different distances from your eye. The other thing you have to consider is the conversion method you are using. At 0% monitor match, you will be matching your sensitivity at the center of the screen, so you will feel more in control of the cursor, but if you use something higher than 0%, like 75%, you are not going to have the best control of the cursor - but you will have better muscle memory. You have to ask yourself whether you prefer the feeling of control at the crosshair/cursor or if you want to maintain as much muscle memory as possible. But keep in mind that nothing will ever be perfect. In terms of what DPI to use, you should always use higher DPI. Usually 800 DPI is good enough. 1600DPI is probably a little better, and you can go even higher if your mouse can handle it. You can use a lower Windows Pointer Speed to help you more accurately match your DPI to your in-game sensitivity. 3/11 WPS is a good setting to use. Just make sure you are aware that you are using this when doing conversions in the Calculator.
  18. I can't even remember how it used to look... I have a terrible memory for detail. But I think it looks fine now.
  19. Theoretically, if you changed the distance your monitor is from your eye(s) according to FOV, then you would be able to use the same cm/360. This is because they would share the same point of rotation and all points on the monitor would move at exactly the same speed. The only difference is that the perceived monitor size would change depending on its distance from your eye, but not the size of the contents in the game that are projected onto the monitor, which defeats the purpose of aiming down your sights.
  20. 1600 DPI should be fine. 800 is usually even good enough. You probably don't want to go too high either because some games have a sensitivity range that doesn't let you use too extreme DPIs.
  21. Yeah that's right The other factor is also how far away we each sit from said monitor.
  22. Just remember that 100% is arbitrary. 100% on your monitor would be different for my monitor. If you are going to try different monitor matches, try 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% as that should give you a feel for most other percentages. Along with 0% of course. And keep in mind that 0% feels best at the crosshair, worst at the edge, 100% feels worst at the crosshair, best at the edge. Every other percentage is more of one or more of the other. Keep that in mind while you're practicing as you'll be more aware of the flaws and weaknesses of each percentage.
  23. You don't even need to worry about using 360 Distance. Even if there is a slight difference in FOV, why not just use one conversion method. It's easier and gives you more consistency. If the FOV between games is the same then monitor matching will still give you the same 360 distance. Also, no matter what monitor match percentage you use, it is never going to feel perfect because of distortion. Also, don't use 56.25% because it's actually arbitrary and based on a bad assumption. See this post to understand why.
  24. I explained earlier in the forum, but basically, if the distortion were corrected then all points of the monitor would be matched across all FOV. You'd do this by stretching the image on the screen to compensate for the difference between eye FOV and ingame FOV. But trying to do it would be messy, so there's really no point. Also, don't think that 100% monitor match is special... I explain in this post how every percentage above 0% is arbitrary. What is "56.25%" and what is "100%" depends on the dimensions and aspect ratio of your monitor and the distance from your monitor. What matters most with picking a percentage above 0% is how much of the screen you actually want to use.
  25. Yeah, with 0% monitor match, you really can't use too high a FOV. It just becomes too fast. But on the other end of the spectrum, 100% feels too slow at the crosshair. You could use a monitor match around 50% to find a good balance, but if you ask me, this is the wrong way to go around it. You pick the monitor match that helps your aim rather than works best with your settings. The best thing to do with any percentage is to just to cap your FOV. Stop playing Quake at extreme FOV if you care about transferring muscle memory to other games.
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