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  1. One last double check question, I have these settings after reading instructions to match my FOV and Sens. Did I get everything right?
  2. Alright, thank you for the help!
  3. I guess one point of confusion is some people saying 360 is best and others saying monitor distance, and the other issue is not all games can match FOV so I'm not entirely sure what to choose. Say I want to keep my flicks and tracking from Overwatch or whatever and I want to have the exact same muscle memory going into .. Apex legends or CSGO. I'm mainly searching for conversion settings I can save and use for any game ( if possible ). Does FOV type matter, or should I just leave it at default? Should I convert based on Distance, or, Sensitivity etc .. I'm just unsure what has an effect and what doesn't and what I can ignore. Sorry for my Ignorance in relation to the site, if all this has been answered before in another topic feel free to link it and I won't have to bother anyone further, and thank you.
  4. Just looking for simple answer, If I want to convert my sensitivity from one game to another, what will give me the best results for muscle memory? What should I leave alone and what should I change? If you want, a simple screen shots showing exactly what should be set to what would be appreciated.
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