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Everything posted by lovedrive

  1. You was right, it was a mistake in my options, fov in aim trainer sync 119,8. So trainer provides only option 120 fov, you can’t make 120,7, and that’s why you’ve written that fov in apex sync should be 89.25. And now it feels ok, apex sync fov 89.25 sens 1.25, trainer sync fov 120 sens 4.17 and apex game fov 90 sens 1.25. thank you
  2. My fov in Apex is 90, in 3d aim trainer (3D aim trainer sync) I set 120,7, in 3D aim trainer (apex sync) 90. In the last one it feels slower then in two first...
  3. Strange, but I’ve adjusted both fov, for apex sync and aim trainer sync, and it feels like they differ. Aim trainer sync feels ok, but apex sync feels slower. And not only feels, results in training with apex sync are worse then aim trainer sync. Sens in apex game 1,25, in apex sync the same, in trainer sync 4,17. Could you check it again? Thanks.
  4. Are the setting in 3d aim trainer for Apex Legends correct? I mean when im choosing Apex Legends in app instead of 3d Aim trainer? Could you check this please?
  5. I've noticed strange thing with my convestation aimhero-pubg, when I'm converting in 1920x1080 resolution, everything is fine, but if I'm converting in resolution 2560x1080 than results are not the same, look what I mean (screenshots). I must be something wrong with this, my monitor has 2560x1080, and I want correct calculation. DPI Wizzard, can you give an advice which resolution to choose to get a correct result?
  6. Give an answer pls, I have to understand this...
  7. Now I see, thank you so much! Last question, why if I’m converting send from bf5 fov 55 to aimtastic fov 70,53, and if I’m converting bf5 fov55 to aimtastic fov 55, the sensitivity is the same? Why it is not changing?
  8. But if I'm playing tpp In pubg? And explain pls why you changed fov in pubg to 88,66 (I mean, why this quantity?) from 90?
  9. It means if I played most of my time in bf5, I have to convert my sens from bf5 to aimtastic and pubg with fov, vdeg 55, right? So the second screenshot calculation from my last post bf5-pubg is right?
  10. I can't understand this thing, something wrong with your calculator. When I'm converting sensitivity from bf5 to aimtastic or back, everything is ok, here is my first screenshot. But when I'm trying to convert my bf5 hipfire sensitivity to pubg or the same sens from aimtastic to pubg the the differences between these to games are so big, that I guess it's a mistake in calculating. Look at my second and third screenshots. DPI Wizard, sensitivity have to be the same in this 3 games, but it's different, please fix your calculator.
  11. Tried to set USA 0, and all scopes 100, and now it seems to work fine with me hip fire sens.
  12. Thank’s so much it helped me a lot with 6x scope! With coefficient 1,33 and zoom sens 1 it feels natural. Now I want to compare it with coefficient 0 and zoom sens 1 in every scope, I’ve tried with coefficient 0 and sens 0,73 in Every scope, as in calculator’s result, but it was too low for me. Btw why if I’m trying to convert hip fire from aimtastic to bf5 all sens, it calculates me sens for every scope 0,73 with USA on 0. Why it’s not 1 for every scope? When I’m trying to convert bf5 hip fire to all scopes bf5, it gives me 1 sens to all scopes with USA 0.
  13. Thank you for answer, I’ll try. I’ve written before that I feel naturally in hipfire, ads and 3x with coefficient 0, but 6x is too slow for me. Now I see what’s the reason.
  14. Just read that for 4:3 USA coefficient is 1.33, for 16:9 1.78, for my monitor 21:9 it is 2.33. Am I right? I don’t have so much time to adjust this in game, that’s why I’m asking so many questions here, I want to make settings in game right away and just play.
  15. Here is a good description of USA: https://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/forum/threadview/2979150494051524581/ If I understood everything correctly, if I want to use my hipfire aimtastic sensitivity on every scope and feel it naturally, I have to turn USA on, then set USA coefficient to 1.33, set soldier aim sens all to 1, and set it for every scope 1 in config file. And that’s it. Unfortunately I’m without pc right now, when I’ll try, I give a feed back here.
  16. Got it. No, you got me wrong, I meant hip fire, ads, and scopes in bf5 the same as hip fire in aimtastic (as you showed in your last YouTube video). It’s something wrong with relative zoom in aimtastic, it’s too slow if I’m using 38. I think it’s calculating proportionally wrong to hip fire in your calculator (try it pls, to know if I’m right). I want to train 1 sensitivity hipfire sensitivity in aimtastic, and use it for all games and scopes Converting it by your program. Is it possible?
  17. I found my comfortable sensitivity in aimtastic (3.11 you can see a screenshot in last post), could you help me to convert it correctly to to bf5. No hints, just setting 0% in conversation methods, and using results in game right?  In bf5 feels good with hip fire ads and 3x, but with 6x seems to be a bit slower than it should be. What I should to do to feel hipfire, ads and every scopes just natural as my sensitivity in aimtastic?  Will appreciate help, thank you.
  18. No, I tried 58,05, cuz it was converted amount for my new monitor, and it was too fast for me. I was confused and started to find my own sensitivity in aimtastic, I found it (3,11), could you help me to convert it correctly to PUBG tpp and to bf5 (asked question in bf5 thread). For pubg I think no hints, just setting 0% in conversation methods, and using results in game right? In bf5 feels good with hip fire ads and 3x, but with 6x seems to be a bit slower than it should be. Will appreciate help, thank you.
  19. Is it something wrong with my questions? I asked them long time ago, and still have no support... I’m newbie and need help.
  20. Can anybody explain, when I'm converting sensitivity from aimtastic to bf5 in menu "Uniform soldier sensitivity" is "on", but in results it is "off". Have I to turn set this option to "0" in config file and in game "off"?
  21. I used to play PUBG with sensitivity 58 (800 DPI) in all sights (hip fire, targeting, iron sight ...) on my 23" 1920x1018 monitor, I've just bought a new monitor 2560x1080 34", help me pls convert my sensitivity correctly. Check pls my screenshots, is it correct conversion?
  22. Hey there, I have some questions 1. I used to play PUBG with sensitivity 58 (800 DPI) in all sights (hip fire, targeting, iron sight ...) on my 23" 1920x1018 monitor, I've just bought a new monitor 2560x1080 34", help me pls convert my sensitivity correctly. Check pls my screenshots, is it correct conversion? 2. I adjusted my sensitivity in PUBG first in game using ADS (red dot AR), so for me it is the most important aim. But when I'm trying to convert ADS AR to the new monitor, converted sensitivity is to fast for me, so I do something wrong, attached screenshot. How to convert it correctly. 3. If I choose sight "all" in covert option, then in calculation I see different sensitivity for all scopes. So I have to change sensitivity in game according calculation, I mean if i'm using hip fire 58, then iron-sight I have to change to 56.970260 and so on, right?
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