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Everything posted by Raidensan

  1. Yes ive had it affected always. And i switched monitor distance coefficient to 0 with same results. When MW calculator says that ar iron sight cm/360 is 50cm it's not. And when calculator says same 1x cm/360 for apex and Mw it's not true also. Apex i can turn 180 from one sweep and in MW little over half of that with same amount of movement. EDIT. It's all good now. I have always had the fov setting affected but when i checked again it was independent. I feel so stupid lol.
  2. This is what it looked like. But i guess i need to switch monitor distance coefficient to 0 from cod and calculator? https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=772e24be004298587ae23f2b3a44c991
  3. Ah i see. So i should set monitor distance coefficient 0 from cod and calculator? Edit. I tried it but still in apex i turn almost 180 when i move mouse across my mousepad and in cod i move little over 90 with same ads sense
  4. My fovs are the same. But with ads 1 in both games the ads feels very different I guess i just have to keep testing until i find the right ads senses. And my point was that when calculator says both pistol iron cm/360 is 64, it's not. Not even close when i test this in game.
  5. I try to convert apex ads sens to MW but according to this converter both pistol ads supposed to be same cm/360 but when i test this in game with pistol by moving my mouse from the edge of my mousepad to another it's not even close to same cm/360. In apex it almost turns 180 and with same mouse movement in MW i barely turn 90 when calculator says that it supposed to be the same cm/360. I have checked many times that the info is correct, same actual fov, in apex 88 and in MW 103, same dpi and all is correct and the calculation show the same cm/360 for pistol but it's not in game.
  6. Working now. Thanks
  7. My membership should be fine now. At least the payment has made but i can't see my saved inputs.
  8. After i ran a spyware removal program which also removes cookies etc. i can't see my saved inputs anymore?
  9. I didn't mean that. But i solved the problem myself by calculating the holo 360cm myself. So now i have same hip aim and same holo aim like it supposed to be. For hip aim i have 42 cm and 1x i have 69 cm in both games.
  10. Maybe he has the same problem that i have trying to calculate same sens as insurgency sandstorm. When i feed all the info it calculates the hip fire correct but aiming holo etc. is completely different cm/360.
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