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  1. but i always measure like that in all my games bf1 r6 siege overwatch cod4 all gave the exact measurements by close to the wall (that's because the chord vs arc difference right?) oh its look like Im a newbie in this is it a coincidence that my new sens fit 4:3h fov readings to close objects? cuz i changed to it 3 days ago how to get universal sens to all objects?
  2. change the fov type to Hdeg 4:3 as in the picture above
  3. I used mobile to record faster confirmation don't judge me the video: https://streamable.com/xrpsl
  4. So as I always test the calculator result to confirm it, always gave me accurate results on vertical degrees (last time i checked it maybe 2 weeks ago or more) but yesterday I measured it and got off readings cuz i felt it..went back to the calculator. it gave me what i should and always got then I used 4:3 fov equivalent and used it in-game and got exact measurements! the thing is when did ubisoft changed it?! and why and does anyone else know about it its not even accurate i have to use 89 fov in-game to get what 90 H4:3 fov give me ...btw I use 16:9 aspect ratio ubisoft ..how bad it can be @DPI Wizard confirm it bro
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