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Everything posted by grd0

  1. Man, it's been a long time since I checked these forums. But that's a good thing. Because of the knowledge of DPI Wizard, Drimzi, TheNoobPolice and a few others I've been able to dial my aim in and enjoy gaming again instead of frustratingly and blindly changing my sensitivity/FOV/DPI/etc all the time trying to find my sweet spot. I've learned a lot coming here and seeking advice. I'm a premium member for life lol. Thanks again grd0
  2. @TheNoobPoliceSir sorry for being off topic from BF2042 but I tried the rawaccel program and I used the values provided by the program to emulate EPP and it definitely doesn't feel the same to me. I wasn't sure if EPP under the Windows mouse settings should be on or off so I assumed off and disabled it while messing with rawaccel and had raw input enabled in-game. With EPP I can consistently do a 360 with a flick of the wrist and with rawaccel I could only turn about ~240 degrees. I will probably have to adjust/increase the values a bit.
  3. That's good news. I'll look into the program, thanks for the recommendation. I did notice that the accel BF uses with raw input off doesn't feel the same as EPP so I'm guessing they use their own values and they are terrible.
  4. I like mouse accel. I've been using it for over two decades and I've tried playing with it off many times over the years but my brain just isn't wired that way. Sorry if I made you barf.
  5. I know this doesn't affect like 99% of people but I'm the 1% that likes raw mouse input off and it's broken in this game. My mouse loses input/skips/lags. Then it automatically turns itself back on between matches or so it seems.
  6. Alright, well I finally got around to setting up my new monitor today (been busy with work, etc) and actually jumped in a game and played with some settings. Honestly, after putting this into practice instead of just focusing on the technicals/theory, my perception of the fov (~96 or ~106) as it correlates to the feeling of sensitivity and any change there might be (when ADS in particular) seems negligible enough. So changing the fov also has no impact and it's more or less placebo right? I'm leaving the settings how I had them and just increasing the resolution for now.
  7. I don't mean to hijack this thread but I have the same question and didn't think it warranted its own post, and I've been reading online and haven't really found a straight answer (or an answer I can wrap my head around.) I just upgraded from 1080 24" to 1440 27". My understanding is that resolution does not affect sensitivity, however it seems like monitor size does according to the calculator. I'm just trying to figure out which setting I need to change. For example for COD Warzone, when I leave everything in the calculator as is (hipfire/look is set to 360 distance) and only update the monitor size to 27", the ADS becomes 0.89 and sensitivity/360 distance remain unchanged, then if I change the fov to ~106 from 96 it brings the ADS back to 1.0. However, if I change hipfire/look to MDH 75% (fov 96), the ADS remains at 1.0 but the 360 distance is increased and sensitivity is changed to a smaller value. I Feel like there's more than one way to skin this cat. I'm assuming the easiest method is bumping my fov to ~106 and I'm good to go. Or I could change my ads to .89 for everything. Or I could reduce my sensitivity but that raises my 360 distance which I think is the worst route. Or I'm doing the calculations wrong. Or I'm over analyzing and should just leave everything alone. Any input is appreciated, thank you!
  8. So to reiterate, since cod2 raw input is off and MW is on that is the issue most likely changing the 360 distance? I'm thinking it must be because everything else is the same but my aim just feels so much more crisp in cod2 and mw feels okay but it doesn't give me that "mouse is an extension of my hand" feel. I wish IW would let us change that setting like most games so I can verify. Thanks for your help really means a lot.
  9. I do play with Accel but prior to calculating/measuring distance I turn off all Accel/enhance pointer precision/in game filter/smoothing/Accel. I've been PC gaming for 20+ years and have always been opposite of everyone else in regard to Accel and raw mouse input and the like. Im a high sensitivity player. I've tried many times switching over to what everyone else says is "correct" but you can't teach this old dog new tricks I guess haha.
  10. So I can't believe I'm still struggling with this and I really want to learn/understand. I feel like something is off with the calculator, fov or mouse input. When I'm converting to MW from cod2 and it gives me the value for 360 hipfire distance it gives a distance of 7 inches. When I physically measure the distance in cod2 it comes out to about 5.8 inch distance, not 7. The mw physical distance seems true to the calculator distance. So I have to make the sensitivity a higher value in MW to match 360 hip distance in cod2 (5.8) which means it doesn't line up with what the calculator is telling me anymore if that makes sense. Also I'm one of those weirdos that likes to play with raw input OFF, and there's no way to adjust that is there? I'm thinking maybe that's the discrepancy instead of the calculator. Side note, fov is 80 in cod2 and 96.42 in MW and mdh is 75%. I also have a feeling that maybe I should disregard physical 360 hipfire distance because it may be different between games but have the same sensitivity feel?
  11. From what I've read on here CSGO uses monitor distance horizonal 75%. That will give you the 1.33 coefficient you're looking for.
  12. You have it set on 75% viewspeed instead of MDH 75%. I just ran the numbers and viewspeed generates 1.24 and mdh generates 1.33
  13. @TheNoobPolice I was reading through your posts on this thread and the part where you're discussing ads transition timing you mention "after zoom" to be same as legacy but then another post you say that it's "gradual," could you clarify this? I'm trying to get my aim as close as I can to CoD2 (it's the game I'm best at Aiming in, and the last one I played regularly) and I'm assuming that game used after zoom. Drimzi has helped me a lot to get my game very close to being exactly the same but I think this is the last setting that needs to be adjusted. Thanks for your time
  14. Thanks. I know you've already answered my questions before but it still felt off to me, must just be my mind tripping. I'm sorry but when you say 133% that's 1.33 coefficient and my ads multipliers remain at 1.0?
  15. Hey guys. I'm still messing with my settings a bit and for the life of me still can't seem to get the same aim between CoD2 and the new MW. So what am I doing wrong? I set everything how i think they should be set (the MDH/Coefficient/FOV i'm not sure are correct?) and the more I have been reading about it the more confused i become. I've even resorted to loading up CoD2 and doing 360's and physically measuring the distance at hip and ADS and doing the same in MW and i'm getting different values all over the place (I have a feeling this isn't an accurate form of measurement however) Aiming at the hip is consistent and feels fine in MW but ADSing just feels wrong compared to what i'm used to in CoD2. Guidance would be much appreciated.
  16. Hey guys. I'm still messing with my settings a bit and for the life of me still can't seem to get the same aim between CoD2 and the new MW. So what am I doing wrong? I set everything how i think they should be set (the MDH/Coefficient/FOV i'm not sure are correct?) and the more I have been reading about it the more confused i become. I've even resorted to loading up CoD2 and doing 360's and physically measuring the distance at hip and ADS and doing the same in MW and i'm getting different values all over the place (with acceleration off of course, i know i mentioned i play with it on earlier.) Aiming at the hip is consistent and feels fine in MW but ADSing just feels wrong compared to what i'm used to in CoD2. Guidance would be much appreciated.
  17. So I googled and found two programs for doing this, full disclosure I haven't downloaded any of them yet however I don't see the difference between this and the in game slider. I'm still just basing the mouse Accel on what I think feels right, correct? Or I can use the program to match say windows' default accel algorithm? I'm at work right now so I'll do testing when I get home but any further insight in the mean time is appreciated once again.
  18. Hello. I have a question regarding the mouse Accel slider in Black ops 4 and modern warfare (2019). I'm going to preface this by saying that my personal preference is to play with mouse acceleration so just turning it off isn't an option for me. You can stop cringing now. For whatever reason, when they're set to 100% in both games, they provide totally different in-game values, so what gives? Everything else seems the same except that option. In modern warfare I spin around like 20 times. Does anyone know the equivalent setting (to black ops 4's 100% or preferably windows"enhance pointer precision"?) Right now I'm bouncing between 5-8% and haven't really settled on which one I prefer. Was looking for a more mathematical answer. Thanks for the help in advance!
  19. Thanks for the info guys.
  20. You're a hero. I've seen a few of your posts on Reddit a while ago that helped explain a few things But I wasn't quite sure how it worked in relation to cod2, if that makes sense. I don't know why but when I hook up two different mice I have with the exact same settings in game and same settings for the mouse they feel way different. Must just be the sensors at that point? Any ideas about the Accel slider though? One last thing, does dpi affect acceleration? For example, if I'm running 800 dpi with in-game sensitivity 1 or 400 dpi with in-game sensitivity 2 and acceleration on in both scenarios, does it make a difference with how the game feels when swiping left or right at a consistent speed? Thanks again
  21. Hello, this is my first post here and i have a few questions i was hoping someone could answer. I just got back into the COD series and I'm trying to match my COD2 sensitivity with BO4 as best I can. So my questions are: Does COD2 use Legacy or Relative? Is the mouse acceleration slider equivalent to "Enhance pointer precision" being on in windows when set to 1.00 and off when set to 0.00 or somewhere in between? Lastly, Does COD2 utilize ADS FOV Independent or Affected? Thanks in advance!
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