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Everything posted by Laur1x

  1. Name: SWORD ART ONLINE Fractured Daydream Website: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1858630/SWORD_ART_ONLINE_Fractured_Daydream/ Status: released Release date: OCT 3, 2024 Availability: purchase has characters with guns and snipers
  2. For freshly create accounts that have never played in the beta, the calculator is accurate. But the calculator is inaccurate for accounts that have participated in the beta. I've confirmed this on two beta accounts, and one freshly made non-beta account (all with mouse smoothing disabled in input.ini file) Apparently the mouse sens values are stored server side, and something wonky is going on if you've played in the beta before. For example, Fresh account, calculator says 73 sens for 20cm 360. 1600dpi, 100fov. very accurate. Beta account, calculator says 73 sens, which actually gives me like a 35cm 360. I have to use 100 sens to get around 20cm 360. I used a retractable tape ruler to measure this. Anyone else who was in the Beta getting the same issue? Honestly not a huge problem, f2p game, easy to make new accounts.
  3. Name: Gundam Evolution Website: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1816670/GUNDAM_EVOLUTION/ Status: closed beta. request beta access on steam store page. Release date: closed beta is out now Availability: (Free, invite only, pre-purchase, purchase etc) FREE
  4. Name: Voxiom.io Website: https://voxiom.io/ Status: Open Alpha Release date: Playable now Availability: Free to play has options to change fov, sens, ads sens, scope sens you can pickup sniper rifles at the loadout box near spawn
  5. Something very strange is happening, out of my 3 accounts, one account is showing the new main menu UI with the slider for sensitivity. While 2 accounts show older menu UI with support for 5 decimals. I can't seem to figure out why this is. Maybe they are only rolling out the updates for certain accounts?Can someone else confirm? Link to Roblox Dev update https://devforum.roblox.com/t/new-in-game-topbar/480226
  6. Name: Roblox Website: https://www.roblox.com Roblox just had an update, the main camera sens in the main menu is now different slider. So now all the games listed under Roblox had their sensitivity changed by the main menu update. Please update Roblox thanks!
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