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Everything posted by SevenFreak

  1. @Skwuruhl like DNAMTE alreay said, I was talking about the Buckhorn sight (for example) with a Zoom level of 2x00. The SoldierZoomSensitivity2x00 is set to 1 (100%) and also the SoldierZoomSensitivityAll is set to 1 (100%) as you already suggested. So just for my personal conclusion please correct me if I´m wrong - either I decide to use USA and keep all Zoom sensitivity settings at 100% and use one of the previous suggested USA values (1%;133% or my own Display ratio setting) or I turn it off and just configure all the individual zoom sensitivities by myself which is indeed not a big deal with Wizard´s calculator.
  2. Thanks, I´ve went now through the last pages which provided useful information´s. Playing now the first match in BF1 with coefficient 1.33 did indeed feel weird and little bit too sensitive (using Iron Scale with x2.00) - either I get used to it or I will turn USA off. Let´s see.
  3. Ye I used the 360° distance to match the sensitivities as it was my understanding that Monitor distance makes sense to match sensitivities between games where you have different fovs but indeed it makes sense to use it in the same game when you have also different fov´s - sorry my bad. Edit: Ok I do understand that the Coefficient is just to fine-tune the sensitivities, so should I go first for the Soldier Zoom Sensitivity like this: Edit2: Ok I´ve just set every scope to 1 and the coefficient to 1.33 at the moment. I´m still not sure if the coefficient is a good thing or not...
  4. Much appreciated for adding BF1 now . I´m sure I missed something when I tried now to convert my sensitivies, however something is not working for me. I´m converting from a different game (Depth) to BF1 using the 360° distance since both games have ~120 fov. So what´s basically the procedure when converting the sens from one game to BF1 now? 1. Calculate the main mouse sensitiviy - ok that´s easy and I´ve got it 2. What´s next now when I want basically the same move distance for all zoom levels? I need to calculate the USA coefficient or just leave it at 1.33? And I keep Soldier Zoom sensitivity just at 100%? Is that correct? Sensitivity 1: GstInput.MouseSensitivity 0.014437 Sensitivity 2: GstInput.UniformSoldierAimingCoefficient 1.33 Multiplier 1: GstInput.SoldierZoomSensitivityAll 1 Multiplier 2: Calculated sensitivity too high Increase either sensitivity 1 or 2, multiplier 1 or new DPI When I do so I get the error message above - sorry for asking stupid questions but I´m still getting confused with all those settings...
  5. My calculator can solve it too but I can´t - what I´ve read is that you might need to use addition theorems in order to solve the equation
  6. For people who uses Origin Cloud, the file which needs to be edited is the "PROFSAVE_profile_synced" - not sure if you wanna add this information. Also (and I dont know if this was already included in the Beta and if it affects anything) - you can choose between different zoom levels at the weapons, also all the variables have different names now compared to Bf4. I can send you screens/configfiles if you wanna check/add them.
  7. Sry my bad, I meant the different variables which are available in-game; http://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/forum/topic/17-battlefield-4/page-4
  8. That would be somehow a must-have , still waiting that you add it for BF4 .
  9. Sry, found the game (Unreal Tournament )
  10. That would be great! Thank you
  11. Hello, As I´m currently trying to understand all the funny sliders in the settings to find proper settings for me, I just wanted to ask why the Aiming Coefficient should be set to 0 when using the calculator? Also how can I use the calculator correctly when I would like to use the Field of View ADS Scaling? Thanks
  12. Hey Wizard, Thank you for the explanation - ye I increased the FOV at R6 until I got the same ratio as I have in Depth which feels more familiar. Anyway it´s a great tool which I will use from now on.
  13. Thank you stero! One more question - so after knowing my real DPI value, I tried again to convert my settings from Depth to R6. By using all the values with 28cm - the final result was at R6 (fov 70) a ratio of about 6,6cm in-game movement by 1cm mouse movement - compared to Depth which was about 5,7cm for 1cm mouse movement with my used settings, this was kinda off. Is it the main goal to get at the 1cm mouse movement also the same values for both games? Its possible since I just need to modify the fov of R6, but I´m kinda new to this. Thanks in advance.
  14. Hi, Thanks for the fast response - I didn´t test it yet accurate with the DPI Analyzer but will do now. Does it matter if I switch the Windows settings to 3 or 4 for the test? (Normally using 6) since with 800DPI and Windows Setting set to 6, the longest possible distance is about 5.5cm. Edit: A "fast" test showed me a DPI value of 745 - is it normal that the DPI value is way off? I´m using a Zowie ZA11 (ADNS-3310). This is pretty annoying since you would need two XFactor Aiming values for the 1x scopes and the 2.5x scopes...(btw how did you calculate now the 0.066667 value? - currently I´m trying to understand the calc stuff)...
  15. Srsly, I dont understand this calculation - based on the post from Mollikye in reddit, you basically need to set the XFactorAimings to 0.033333 in order to get the same sensitivity for ADS as Hipfire or I´m getting something wrong?
  16. Hi, Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/kXvPUFr.png Values from the current ini-file (and yes I used the 4.0 calculator). [iNPUT] InvertAxisY=0 InvertMouseAxisY=0 Rumble=0 AimAssist=0 YawSensitivity=2 PitchSensitivity=1 DeadzoneLeftStick=15 DeadzoneRightStick=15 MouseSensitivity=50 MouseSensitivityMultiplierUnit=0.002850 XFactorAiming=0.033333 --> used this value from the reddit-post above in order to get the same distance for ADS and Hipfire (but only tested with iron sights so far). ToggleAim=0 ToggleLean=1 ToggleSprint=0 ToggleCrouch=1 ToggleProne=1 ToggleWalk=1 AimDownSights=50 AimDownSightsMouse=50 ControlSchemeIndex=0 ControllerInputDevice=0 But tbh - I tried to double-check the calculator by trying to convert from another game to Rainbow Six (in this case it was Depth). By using 28cm for 360, the calc gave me a sensitivity value of 74% for Depth - actually I´m using 80% for 360 in Depth.
  17. I belive the calculator for Rainbow Six is not accurate - by trying to calculate the multiplier for the ini-file for 28cm/360, the calc tells me a (smaller) value which doesnt give me a 360 turn in-game, maybe its just a 340 or something.
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