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Everything posted by SevenFreak

  1. That´s just awesome - thank you!
  2. Option 2 is nonsense - why would you use e.g. a 30cm/360 distance for any scope? That will be far too sensitive. Based on the descriptions Wizard provided (e.g. Monitor distance video) you should use always option 3 -> convert the main sense to the new game and then convert this new sens to any scope you need by using the monitor distance again. But you need to figure out which percentage of monitor distance gives you the best feeling (e.g. 25%). But as long PUBG does not provide any training map/mode this will be never be easy...
  3. I believe I did not use the right way to convert the Overwatch settings to PUBG - below you can find your updated values: Normal: 50 (360% distance - 1:1 Overwatch FOV103) Vehicle: 48 (50% monitor distance - converted from PUBG settings with 50 sens) Targeting: 50 (360% distance - 1:1 Overwatch FOV103) Scoping(ADS): 46 (25% monitor distance - converted from PUBG settings with 50 sens) Scope2x: 44 (25% monitor distance - converted from PUBG settings with 50 sens) Scope4x: 44 (25% monitor distance - converted from PUBG settings with 50 sens) Scope8x: 43 (25% monitor distance - converted from PUBG settings with 50 sens) Scope15x: 43 (25% monitor distance - converted from PUBG settings with 50 sens) If Scop2x, Scope8 and Scope15x feels to slow you can try to increase the value by 1. Scope4x should be ok with 44. Senses for your friend: Normal: 26 (360% distance - 1:1 Overwatch FOV103) Vehicle: 24 Targeting: 26 (360% distance - 1:1 Overwatch FOV103) Scoping: 22 Scope2x: 20 Scope4x: 20 Scope8x: 19 Scope15x: 19 Same counts for your friend - if Scoping(ADS), Scope2x, Scope4x, Scope8x and Scopex15 feels to slow he can try to increase each value by 1.
  4. Normal and Targeting uses the same max. FOV as Overwatch so I´ve used the 360° Distance. For the Scopes I´ve been using now Monitor distance and decreased the percentage of the distance with the bigger scopes, try those out. Normal: 50 (360° Distance) Vehicle: 48 (Monitor Distance 50%) Targeting: 50 (360° Distance) Scoping: 47 (Monitor Distance 50%) Scope2x: 44 (Monitor Distance 25%) Scope4x: 43 (Monitor Distance 25%) Scope8x: 42 (Monitor Distance 10%) Scope15x: 42 (Monitor Distance 10%)
  5. Ah what? @DPI Wizard do you know if they changed something with the 1.0 release?
  6. You are welcome, I´m currently using config 1 and config 2, didn´t try config 2 only. I need to upload my excel-sheet also which I´m using to format the mouse-senses since it´s a pain in the ass to enter them one by one into the config-file.
  7. Which monitor size you´ve got? Which FOV are you using in Overwatch? Are you playing First-Person or Third-Person in PUBG? If First-Person which FOV are you using in-game?
  8. As DPIWizard described you can either use config file 2 only or both: Original Post from DPIWizard: Important update! I've added a "Config File 2" calculations to PUBG, and you can use this to calculate the MouseSensitivity value in the config file accurately. This way you can make a config file with accurate sensitivity that will be kept when you do any changes to the config in-game. You can use it in one of two ways: Just calculate the MouseSensitivity value and changed the config file accordingly, leaving out the LastConvertedMouseSensitivity value. For instance like this: (MouseSensitiveName="Normal",MouseSensitivity=34.902415) Since the LastConvertedMouseSensitivity is not present, the mouse sensitivity is effectively 0 now, and you will not move when moving the mouse. So enter the game and do a config change so the Apply button is clickable. You can do this by enabling Invert Mouse, click Apply, disable it and click Apply again (or opposite if you already have it enabled). The LastConvertedMouseSensitivity will then be calculated based on the MouseSensitivity value: (MouseSensitiveName="Normal",MouseSensitivity=34.902416,LastConvertedMouseSensitivity=0.009969) Calculate both values using Config File 1 and Config File 2 calculations. Add both values you get to the config file like this: (MouseSensitiveName="Normal",MouseSensitivity=34.902416,LastConvertedMouseSensitivity=0.009979) You do not need to anything else in-game, the sensitivity will be correct the next time you start the game. And should you change something in the config in-game, the LastConvertedMouseSensitivity will be overwritten by an almost identical value. So why aren't the LastConvertedMouseSensitivity values identical? The error is actually in the game, the calculations done here are the correct values. The game converts whole numbers correctly, but is off by a little bit (0.1-0.5%) on decimal numbers. Also note that the game have a tendency to change the MouseSensitivity value a tiny bit when you start the game, something like 36.257845 will be changed into 36.257847. This is negligible though.
  9. Ok, I wasn´t aware that it´s possible to go beyond 103 via configfile, I personally just used the in-game FOV slider which allows a max of 103. But yes then your conversion should be correct. If your mouse-sens feels off you could also try to use Monitor distance instead of Viewspeed v2.
  10. @Quackerjack No thats wrong since PUBG only supports a maximum FOV of 103. Which FOV are you using in CS:GO and which one in PUBG?
  11. Ye sorry, 120 is the correct setting which I´m using in Depth, I just changed it to 103 to match the same FOV as I have in Battlegrounds (thought it might make sense but ye, nvm) but thanks again for the explanation, now I got it :D.
  12. I really tried to understand your post - should it look like this?
  13. Ok thanks, so how can I figure out how much the crosshair movement is for Depth for example when moving the mouse 1cm? Should I just choose Depth at both Game Windows and use 0% monitor distance or 100%?
  14. Hi, Its basically just a question for better understanding as I wanted to figure out how far the crosshair moves when moving the mouse 1cm (as its shown in the calculator) for the game Depth which I´m using to convert my sens to the other games. As example, I changed my default fov which I´m using in Depth (120) to 103 to match the same fov which I´m using in PUBG for better comparison. The thing which I don´t understand is that even with same fov, why does the 1cm mouse movement changes when using a different monitor percentage?
  15. Sorry but don´t give any advices if you don´t have any idea - yes the default FOV of Battlegrounds is 90 degrees but thanks to some magic you can change it (surprise) up to 103. So in theory mangozorus could use the same FOV in Battlegrounds as he uses in Overwatch already and match his sens for Targeting and Hipfire to 360 Distance at least.
  16. That´s cool - thank you
  17. Hi, I believe it could be more convenient to provide the new calculated mouse sensitivity in any kind of text-box which automatically marks the whole number when you click at it and you just need to copy paste the value. At the moment you have to mark the new value and then you can do the copy paste (at least thats my workflow). Just an idea
  18. Yes please
  19. Thank you very much for the explanation - I will just mess around with the coefficient until it feels "right" (using either 0, 1, 1.33 or 1.77)
  20. Need to quote myself but somehow I still dont understand why I have to USA? Even with 0 USA is something "calculating" in the background based on the information´s which have been provided here. I just want to understand it, I´m not against it or something like this as long as its might be helpful but I thought it would be just a more "raw" input without using all those stuff.
  21. Edit: Ok, blame me, first I´ve thought the calculator is off since the 360° for example from the 1.25x scope was pretty much the half of what the calculator showed, then after reading the description I just saw that I have to turn on USA even when the value is 0. But what´s basically the difference or the opposite when I dont want to use USA at all even with value 0?
  22. Hi, @Wizard, is it intended that the configured FOV for the "second game" get´s reset each time when I switch to a different scope?
  23. That´s what ethereal wrote before: At coefficient 0, for a fixed mouse velocity, things under the cross-hair will move at the same 2D SCREEN velocity at all scope FOVs. This is a different way to try to define "same turn-rate for every scope". Instead of matching a certain crosshair displacement to a certain mouse movement, we're matching a certain mouse movement to a certain movement speed of things under the crosshair. But I really agree what Bernd Matthys wrote - even if it´s some work it might avoid further work by answering the same questions over and over again...
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