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Everything posted by aveng3r

  1. I think I need some support with the Hunt conversions - I'am a little bit confused. Would be great if you guys could help me. Due the raising popularity of Hunt it may also be valuable for other users. Reasons for my confusion: Control scheme dependant default FOV (Hunter = Default / Gunslinger = Aim (Hint: Not Aim Down Sight!) Two values for HipMouseSensitivity (config) / Shoulder Aim (ingame): "Hipfire" and "ADS" Example: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=f69b81c93dc3820b12765fd5b2f2191b My Goal: Select the Control Scheme (Hunter or Gunslinger) and match the default view to the target fov. [idea: via "Special Option 1"?] Hunter: Target FOV=Default (= Look around, gun is lowered) Match Default (Look around) Sensitivity for 360 Match all other sensitivities regarding your personal conversion selection (e.g. MDH 0%) Gunslinger: Target FOV=Aim (= Default for Gunslinger control scheme users, gun is raised but not ADS) Match Default (Aim, but not Aim Down Sight!) Sensitivity for 360 Match all other sensitivities regarding your personal conversion selection (e.g. MDH 0%) Just two other side note: The Ingame FOV slider is limited to 110 - maybe the config has the same limitiation The Testservers are currently only and have everything unlocked Thanks for your help!
  2. Awesome - you are really a wizard!
  3. Hi @DPI Wizard, I got a simple suggestion that would make things easier and more foolproof while using your amazing Calculator: Request: If a user uses the input fields to enter for example a sensitivity than automatically replace the input "," with a "." Background: The reason behind this: Countries differ between the usage of "." and "," while writing numbers. Example: One thousand United States: 1,000.00 = Germany: 1.000,00 This difference is also visible if you look at different keyboard layout. E.g. the numpad on a german keypad only got "," but not ".". This cultural difference can lead to effects that you input your sensitivity (e.g. 6,5 in Overwatch) and your calculator responds that "Too high sensitivity 1 - Maximum is 100". If you are aware of the "." and "," difference its fine, but If you change the input-logic that it overwrites the input, it wont matter and would run a bit more smoothly for non-"." users Kind regards aveng3r
  4. Hi @DPI Wizard, first of all: awesome work with your project! I have encountered one weird behavior in the GTA5 converter, please take a look at the attached screenshot. I use 800 DPI and get the error that the DPI is too low or too high and that I should change it to 800. Any suggestions? Furthermore, I have a question regarding the first person FOV: You show the default FOV (60) and said that we have an Ingame-Slider. Can you provide the max FOV of the Slider or give a hint how I can elaborate that? Thanks in advance and keep the great work at mouse-sensitivity! -aveng3r
  5. Maybe - but the FOV changes with ADS. That is why we need DPI Wizard magic to match it with hip fire
  6. @DPI Wizard Awesome work! They added yesterday a seperate ADS slider in the options. Could you add these? Thanks in advance!
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