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Everything posted by ProuDBeasT

  1. Yep, that's so you can see that the calculator and Aimlab (which, I think, got the values from this site) are correct. In the first image you can see that with 110 in-game hipfire FOV you get 109.119302 (16:9) HFOV for the 1x scope. In the second image you can confirm that 109.119302 (16:9) HFOV would be 93.896104 Apex in-game FOV. Aimlab is using this [broken] scale for everything, including the scopes, because that's what you selected in the settings menu.
  2. It's correct in both. Apex [bad implemented] in-game FOV scale: 110 hipfire FOV -> 1x FOV = 93.896104 That converted to HFOV looks like this: 123.268762 hipfire FOV -> 1x FOV = 109.119302
  3. Yes, that's your first link. And don't forget about that scalar_0 issue: you'll have to decide if you want to perfectly match all 1X + SMG, SG, pistol ironsights or AR, LMG and sniper. If you match the first ones, you can easily pick any scope for the second group and it'll be perfectly matched. That would be a good option too if you feel that 360º distance feels good for hipfire. If it doesn't, you might want to try your prefered MDV %.
  4. Speaking of the FOV option, I just set it to 110 HFOV (your FOV in MW). Notice that cl_fovScale 1.55 is 123.268762 HFOV which is a big increase. In this case (as every time that the FOV changes), you can only maintain one aspect of your sensitivity and that's why it's recommended to keep your FOV constant across all games if possible. If you want to stay on 123.27 hipfire HFOV, you should try 360º distance (your link does that) or MDV 125% (because you're used to it for scopes) and see which one feels better (I'd personally try to avoid this situation). One more thing: if you're used to 110 Apex in-game FOV, you could try to set that in other games, but it's likely that it'll be out of range in most of them. Regarding the scalar_0 value, it affects 1X Scope / ADS (SMG, SG, Pistol) and ADS (AR, LMG, Sniper) at the same time, but these two groups have different FOVs, so there should be a separte multiplier for each of them. When you select "All" in the conversion, the calculator will give you the value of the scalar_0 for AR, LMG and sniper ironsights FOV, but if you want all the 1X scopes and SMG, SG, pistol ironsights (except RE-45, which has its own ADS FOV value) to be correctly matched, you should use another value that can be calculated here: -If you used 360º distance for the hipfire conversion -If you used MDV 125% for the hipfire conversion
  5. Hey @DPI Wizard the ADS multiplier range has been changed, now it goes from 5 to 15, could you check if they changed anything else please?
  6. Sorry, I mixed up faster and slower, so comparing MDH 100% and 80% scale (which is 0.8 ADS in D2) to games like MW (with "0.0 monitor distance coefficient") and Apex, gives us how far 0.8 ADS in D2 is from MDH 0%: -Apex: mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=ba3d4b62754117bcc8568aac7fc545a8 -MW: mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=5056bd24092ca16c719906462efa9277 If I wanted to match MDH 100% only, these multipliers would all be >1, this means that MDH 100% is faster than MDH 0% (which is correct). So, applying the same logic, at lower zoom levels 0.8 ADS is up to 16% slower than MDH 0% (the multiplier is lower than 1 which means that 1 -MDH 0%- is faster), same distance for 2x in Apex or 3x in MW (the multiplier is 1) and increasingly faster from there, up to 9% (the multiplier is higher than 1, so MDH 0% is slower).
  7. If I assume that your MW ADS sens multiplier is set to 1 (and your monitor distance coefficient to 1.25), this should be your sens in Apex: mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=ffa15926a5b7e2745b24094d7f28b3a0 , except for "scalar_0", that should be "1.077802" (not "1.111091"). Don't forget about changing the FOV in the config file.
  8. I don't know if this is the right way to measure what you're saying, but converting 0.8 ADS (D2) to Apex shows that, at lower zoom levels (higher ADS FOV), 0.8 might be up to ~13% faster than MDH 0%. At around 59 HFOV it's roughly the same and from 59 to lower HFOV values (higher zoom levels) it's up to ~9% slower than MDH 0%.
  9. Yes, I just didn't know that the calculator was using the ADS (AR, LMG, Sniper) option for the first sensitivity multiplier instead of the 1X option when setting the conversion to "All".
  10. Hey, I didn't even think about that, thanks and yes, I'd also choose 1X Scope / ADS over the other ADS option. @DPI Wizard could you include any kind of note that indicates if it's 1X or not when using the "All" conversion, please?
  11. Wow, I didn't even know that setting did that (I always leave it at 100%), thank you
  12. You've only changed the FOV type, I think. We get 100.8 actual HFOV in both conversions.
  13. From what I can tell, the conversion should be like this mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=f05dc2aaeb261b98945419bf57ce32e7 and a few things: 1) Multiply the "ADS sensitivity multiplier" that you get by 0.6 and set that in-game 2) Make sure that "Sensitivity 2" in the calculator and "Custom ADS FOV" in-game are the same
  14. Oh, sorry, I didn't know that D2's sensitivity worked that way. So this: mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=f05dc2aaeb261b98945419bf57ce32e7 and multiplying the "ADS sensitivity multiplier" by 0.6? The ADS FOV "problem" stays the same, right? @Drimzi
  15. "Custom ADS FOV" in-game is "Sensitivity 2" in the calculator, so setting it to 51.774 in-game is the same as "Sensitivity 2" = 51.774 (which is not 51.744 HFOV, it's 61.58). If you do that on the first link (mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=7c6456f0709452ef46c6e32ec760474c), you'll get an "ADS sensitivity multiplier" of 0.427393 (not 0.36228). The point is that, if you know the HFOV of a scope that you like in any other game and you set it directly in "Custom ADS FOV" in Aimbeast, it won't be that FOV. For that reason, you'll have to try different "Sensitivity 2" values on this other link (mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=4bbf0dcb5a712d35dbd13f8b36a2de1d) until you get your desired HFOV in the "Actual HFOV" line. When you have your "Sensitivity 2" value, go to the first link, set it and then you'll get the right "ADS sensitivity multiplier".
  16. Hi! It looks like 0.6 ADS multiplier is MDH -145%, so your conversion should look like this: mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=7c6456f0709452ef46c6e32ec760474c [set your own DPI] There are a few things to point out: -105 D2 FOV is 84.390543 Hdeg 4:3 which is the FOV type that Aimbeast uses -Set the sens scale to OW/BO4/MW - "Sensitivity 2" in the calculator sets the ADS FOV, but setting it to e.g. 40 doesn't mean it's 40 HFOV, it's actually 51.774 HFOV. If you want to know the actual value, use this and check the "Actual HFOV" line in "CALCULATIONS". Don't mind the "Multiplier 1" value in that last link -The "ADS sensitivity multiplier" will change depending on the "Sensitivity 2" value that you set
  17. Hi! You might want to try this (should feel exactly the same as PUBG): mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=3fd9328096a13b16f335b66879322883
  18. Why does the "scalar_0" value change here? Which one should I use out of those two? https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=4588cd67d39f4420dbb66307515fbde9 https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=32ace21a72902063823015ca37c76de6 Oddly enough, all the other multipliers stay exactly the same.
  19. Hey @DPI Wizard is there any way that I could provide proof of this?
  20. I'm having trouble with a few things: 1. I can't seem to find the "Mouse Camera Control Type" setting. 2. If the devs removed that setting and made type 2 the default, I still don't know how to set my in-game sensitivity to e.g. 0,89 instead of 0,90.
  21. Try these: Look Sensitivity 15 ADS Sensitivity Modifier 0.5 Field of View 105.0
  22. If you are going to use mouse acceleration, it is usually recommended not to use in-game sliders and use instead some external software. @TheNoobPolice and @iBerggman know better about this stuff and they might be able to help you.
  23. I entered the game, then checked if the FOV line was back in file and it wasn't. It looks like it. The file was created back in the beta (2017).
  24. You can have these (with 103 FOV -I didn't change anything-): cvars.xmlcvars.old
  25. Mine is set to 103 (105 in-game): cvar name="fov_adjustment_offset" value="103" Should be 100.8 if it was reflecting that 94% change
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