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  1. Ooof thanks for that. Did not notice that page takes your resolution from browser. I had web page open on second monitor. This explains it all. Thank for quick answer and sorry for being blind
  2. And ofc if I enter FOV of 50 sensitivity is even smaller. I always use viewspeed horizontal conversion. I had similar issue with COD warzone lately, but that got fixed but just putting in same variables again the next day. So most likely it just got updated.
  3. I've gotten few months ago From PUBG 90fov 25ingame 800dpi ADS sens the following tarkov ingame: Mouse sensitivity 0.11, Mouse sensitivity aiming 0.12 FOV: 50. Now I wanted to change my FOV to 63 in tarkov and update my sensitivity, but for some reason I keep getting really weird values. Calculator suggest I should use sensitivity that is less than 0.1 (wich is minium in tarkov).
  4. Battalion 1944 might need update.
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