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  1. Can you tell me, if this is right? I am sorry, that i have to ask so much.
  2. with scopes you mean high mag scope like 4x or Reddot(1x)? Can you pls help me with that?
  3. like this? and do i need to do something with the scope variant? Or is it basically the same as ads sens?
  4. okay thx i tried the same thing but the it tells me that the 360 is 94.0741 cm in PS2 and 100.3351 cm in COD. pls help
  5. Hello Guys! I have a problem. I want to change the sensitivity from Planetside 2 to Call of Duty(2019). My Planetside 2 settings are: dpi:800 fov:74 MouseSensitivity=0.058000 ScopedMouseSensitivity=0.060000 ADSMouseSensitivity=0.060000 can somebody pls help me to translate this into cod? i have tried to convert it with the calculator, but it didnt work for me.
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