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Everything posted by Comrade881

  1. muscle memory myth said aimer7
  2. what is correct for zoom csgo? 0.81 or 1 if i want same with hipfire
  3. can u please add it ?
  4. no , its correct doesnt matter streched or not
  5. best sens between 21-30cm best kovaaks players said
  6. how to make it to default cant delete this shit driver from my pc now
  7. Because csgo use 106 fov for 16:9
  8. 106 or 90 after kovaaks or apex csgo feels too slow playing 1.27 config apex 16:9 http://prntscr.com/n0i77t config fov : fov 90 is this what i need to use or what i wrote 106
  9. trainining better on low sens im playing kovaaks on high sens 2000edpi and cant even beat 130score tile frenzy playing 1week, but then i changed to 1000edpi and did 160score by 4days ,now i can do 150 on high sens
  10. Sens isnt correct much faster than it should be
  11. try on scopes,ads 75%
  12. Hipfire to general not ads try it
  13. lower = easier to aim im playing on 0.364489 1600dpi is like 0.72 for 800dpi
  14. Why havent calculator for ads ?
  15. i dont undersatnd how to use it on any dpi your sens will be static
  16. why it feels so slow? not like awp zoom in csgo why cant change Multiplier , cause i have zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse "0.818933" but must be 1.0
  17. what i need to use? 360 or monitor distance horizontal or viewspeed horizontal
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