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Everything posted by Naidvy

  1. Thank you so much!!
  2. Someone released a mod to set different sensitivities depending on the sights (iron sights, short scope, long scope) https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/15304 , not entirely sure on which scopes are being referred to based on the vague names. Would it be possible to add this?
  3. Thank you. That method didn't work for me, the game kept crashing, so I tried the method described in Borderlands 3's post, which ended up working for me. Here is what I did: Use cheat engine to search for a float. The value you search for is 10% of the value you have the slider set to. e.g.: Set slider to 10 Search for 1 Set slider to 7 Search for 0.7 etc. Once you've found the addresses set using the calculator
  4. How does that work? I keep getting this error whenever I try to open the Wonderlands save file: Error parsing save: Invalid BL3 Save Game Type: OakProfile
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