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Everything posted by somemadcaaant

  1. Hi @DPI Wizard, I'm also confused by the Vehicles sensitivity, it calculates ok in Battlefield V and below. The sense doesn't appear when selecting "All" so I don't have a base to work with like the other games, then select All Vehicles it adds a 0.3 to Sensitivity 1/GstInput.MouseSensitivityVehicle which doesn't seem to calculate correctly, then is scales out the other vehicle senses way out. I'm probably over looking something, can you please assist
  2. @DPI Wizard Don't forget to disable m_smooth "1" to 0 in the DOOMEternalConfig.cfg config as it's on by default, also add +set m_smoothing 0 to Steam Launch options to be sure, smoothing it's annoying as all hell... Credit here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/782330/discussions/0/1867245431039623510/
  3. @DPI Wizard Hey boss just alerting you to the updates
  4. @DPI Wizard Only thing I'm worried about now (unless my ADS settings are off) is y axis, which I'm using the following settings added to both Input configs for Hunter, Scavenger (feels ok): %AppData%\Local\TheExit\Saved\Input +AxisMappings=(AxisName="LookHorizontal",Key=MouseX,Scale=1.000000,bSecondary=False) +AxisMappings=(AxisName="LookVertical",Key=MouseY,Scale=1.428571,bSecondary=False) bEnableMouseSmoothing=False bViewAccelerationEnabled=False bDisableMouseAcceleration=true In %AppData%\Local\TheExit\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\GameUserSettings.ini My ADS is: MouseLookSensitivity=((Hunter, 0.990605),(Runner, 1.178688),(Emcee, 0.500000),(None, 0.000000)) MouseZoomLookSensitivity=((Hunter, 1.466346),(Runner, 1.516041),(Emcee, 0.500000),(None, 0.000000))
  5. @DPI Wizard Thanks mate, see attached screenshot (replied via mobile). Also when setting the Zoom sense above 1.0 in cfg file it keeps these settings in game eg Sensitivity 1: Calculated sensitivity too high for ADS: 1.080559 (max is 1) Increase DPI (min 870)
  6. @DPI Wizard Hey Boss, The MouseZoomLookSensitivity setting does not calculate when selecting "All". Scavenger sense does not calculate: MouseZoomLookSensitivity=((Hunter, ),(Runner, ),(Emcee, 0.500000),(None, 0.000000)) There is also an issue with vertical sensitivity slower than horizontal, similar to Mordhau, the Input configs are found: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Local\TheExit\Saved\Input\CustomInput_Hunter.ini | CustomInput_Runner.ini +AxisMappings=(AxisName="LookHorizontal",Key=MouseX,Scale=1.000000,bSecondary=False) +AxisMappings=(AxisName="LookVertical",Key=MouseY,Scale=1.000000,bSecondary=False) If you could do your magic
  7. Hey boss, new config option called <Attr name="HipMouseSensitivity" value="3"/> Can you please update calculations when you get time
  8. Nice thanks for the tip bro! Still hasn't been fixed by RS, it's difficult for me to play still.
  9. Windows input seems the best and it does work with keyboard for me, randomly it will jitter tho even with stable 60fps and in a particular direction only, plus the mouse in menu is borked. Just no good solution currently.
  10. Windows 7 here thanks man.
  11. No probs i figured it was stock values u used. The player movement and momentum from BF3 to BF4 is very different and doesn't feel as switchy to me so leaves it feeling sluggish. GstInput.Scheme0Sensitivity directly affects GstInput.MouseSensitivity and GstInput.Scheme1Sensitivity affects GstInput.MouseSensitivityVehicle.
  12. Hey man you know i love your site, sorry if i missed this but Battlefield 4 feels strange if i change scheme sense or use stock, do you calculate with GstInput.Scheme0Sensitivity 0.0 or stock 0.1 ?
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