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  1. Did some calculations with Kovaak's Sensitivity matcher: Seems I was close, but the discrepancy is pretty large between 0.75 OW and 0.2-0.3 TO though.
  2. It seems the mouse scalars can now go below 1 to one decimal place (0.1), including 0.0 which disables mouse movement. That calculator doesn't have a sensitivity that matches my... admittedly strange settings (0.75 sens, 6400 dpi Overwatch) but 0.2 seems to feel quite close.
  3. Name: Anomalous Website: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1435970/Anomalous/ Status: Early Access / In Development Release date: January 11, 2022 Availability: Purchase ($4.99 as of this post)
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