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Everything posted by Ninjax

  1. @DPI Wizard Let me rephrase my question. With a FoV of 90 in BF3 when switching to a different scope such as an RDS or 8X. By how much is my sensitivity slowed down? Then How could I use the calculator to match that slow down? This would let me match my hipfire to hipfire in different games then match my ADS sens as well. ~PS see my above post
  2. @DPI Wizard Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions! Also just a follow up to my question, you mentioned using scale on Apex with 0% MDV. Is there any particular way that I could figure out the exact zoom sensitivity factor of BF3 for 2 scopes with my FoV; RDS and 8X in order to going forward be able to use hipfire and MDV and scale for a better match? Edit: I also found this chart detailing BF3's zoom sensitivities. 1x (rds): fov 40, speed 0.5: 80 ratio1x (irons): fov 40, speed 0.5: 80 ratioholo: fov 32, 0.32 speed: 100 ratio3.4x: fov 20, 0.36 speed: 55.5556 ratio4x: 17.2000001, 0.31 speed: 55.4838 ratio6x: fov 11.6, 0.21 speed: 55.2380 ratio7x: fov 9.9, 0.21 speed: 47.14 ratio8x: fov 8.7, 0.16 speed: 54.37 ratio12x: fov 5.8, 0.11 speed: 52.7272 ratiothe "speed" is what you want to change, factor-wise.so if you've been using holo (speed 0,32), and want to go to irons/rds (speed 0,5), you want to increase your sensitivity by factor 0,5/0,32 = 1,5625So: 0.0475*1,5625 = 0,07421875 ratio = fov/speedFOV is, indeed, independant of FOV settingThe FOV setting ingame is only for HIPFIRE. Scopes and sights don't really zoom, they just change your FOV.So even if you have your FOV-setting set to 200, when using a kobra sight it will just go like "nope not on my watch, BAM 40 FOV" I'm trying to use these to going forward get the best settings for my 2 prefered scopes the RDS and the 8x. Using this and MDV 0% from my current understand when matching the RDS to my hipfire a scale of 0.8 would be right. So 360 hipfire BF3 to Warzone ADS with MDV 0% and scale 0.8 would be most accurate Or am I completely wrong? ~PS I understand the hip 0% MDV normally used. But the thing is, I have over 1k hours in BF3 spent mostly with the RDS the 8x and the 12x. I'm not looking to make more muscle memory I'm looking to preserve what I've already earned.
  3. Thanks these settings are nice, but in order for me to be able to continue by making my own settings in the future I need greater understanding and would hope you can clarify a few things for me! 1. I get the MDV 0% but why are we matching my BF3 hipfire to Warzone ADS? Wouldn't it be better to match BF3 hipfire to hipfire and ADS to ADS? 2nd. BF3 ADS (irons/reflex) with my FoV is 40 65.810435 Warzone with Affected enabled is 54.739943 85.248634 While independent is 38.552603 63.742032 Wouldn't it be better to use independent to try to match my BF3 FoV? 3rd. Seeing as BF3 ADS and Warzone ADS (independent AR LMG) are so similar I have also tried to do a 360 distance match ADS to ADS and to my surprise it felt off. Would you happen to know what would cause something like that? With FoVs being similiar I would assume 360 distance would be a great match. I did this Thinking it would be highly similar and it wasn't I really don't understand why. 4th. according to a knowledgeable member of this community, BF3 uses a fixed 0.5 scope multiplier so he recommended a 47.12% MDV. I don't understand how we go from 50 to 47.12 but he is a resourceful member so I took his word for it lol. But does that mean I should be using a 47.12 MDV instead of 0% or 100%? 5th. Should I always be using scale 100% Or should I be testing that too? 6th and final question. When Launching 3d aim trainer from site is it transferring all sens settings? i.e sens 1 and 2 multiplier 1 fov etc? I just want to say, I really appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions. Teach a man to fish and all that !
  4. I'm having some issues with converting my BF3 sens to warzone. Nothing feels really right. I have read the tutorials and more or less understand 360 Distance, MDH/MDV 0-100% etc I get what it means on a logical level. But on a practical level it isn't working for me. I have tried multiple variations with the calculator. I'm looking for some insight on how you guys would use the calculator for these 2 games. These are my BF3 settings. Also Warzone scopes are actually mislabled magnification wise, just thought I would put that out there. https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernWarzone/comments/ggrpoq/actual_magnification_of_sniper_scopes_in_modern/ Any input (pun intended ) would be greatly appreciated.
  5. Yes it works! thx for the help! @DPI Wizard
  6. OH!!! That must be it! No wonder, I didn't even see the - checking it now!
  7. Just changed it, but I still cant move while ADS Move my sight I mean. Like it just stays still as soon as I ADS I can't move the gun at all
  8. @DPI Wizard this is my entire game.ini file [DISPLAY_SETTINGS] ;ResolutionXXX => 0 for autodetection ;RefreshRate => 0 will let DirectX pick it ;WindowMode => 0 fullscreen / 1 windowed / 2 borderless ;AspectRatio => 0 display / 1 resolution / 2..N as options ;VSync => 0 disabled / 1 frame / 2 frames ;UseLetterbox => 0 disabled / 1 enabled ;DefaultFOV => Default vertical field of view (degrees) ;TAASharpenFactor => Sharpen filter applied to TAA ;RenderScaling => Percentage of the display resolution at which 3D rendering is performed ;TAAScaling => Percentage of the display resolution at which TAA is performed ;InitialWindowPositionX/Y => -1 for centering GPUAdapter=0 Monitor=0 ResolutionWidth=1600 ResolutionHeight=900 RefreshRate=60.020424 WindowMode=0 AspectRatio=0 VSync=0 MaxGPUBufferedFrame=1 UseLetterbox=0 DefaultFOV=73.739998 EnableAMDMultiDraw=1 TAASharpenFactor=0.250000 RenderScaling=50 TAAScaling=100 InitialWindowPositionX=253 InitialWindowPositionY=72 [HARDWARE_INFO] GPUVendor=INTEL GPUDeviceId=0x166 GPUSubSysId=0x10bc1462 GPUDedicatedMemoryMB=32 GPUScore=3483.000000 GPUScoreConf=1.000000 SystemMemoryMB=16275 CPUScore=1875.752441 HardwareNotificationEnable=0 [QUALITY_SETTINGS] QualityPresetName=Custom TexturePresetName=Low [CUSTOM_PRESET_SETTINGS] Shadow=0 Reflection=0 LOD=0 AO=0 Shading=0 MotionBlur=0 LensEffects=0 DepthOfField=0 TextureFiltering=0 AntiAliasingMethod=0 [READ_ONLY] DefaultValuesVersion=11 [INPUT] RawInputMouseKeyboard=0 InvertAxisY=0 InvertMouseAxisY=0 Rumble=1 AimAssist=1 YawSensitivity=20 PitchSensitivity=10 DeadzoneLeftStick=15 DeadzoneRightStick=15 MouseSensitivity=50 MouseYawSensitivity=50 MousePitchSensitivity=15 MouseSensitivityMultiplierUnit=0.002066 MouseScroll=1 XFactorAiming=-0.033325 ToggleAim=0 ToggleLean=1 ToggleSprint=0 ToggleCrouch=1 ToggleProne=1 ToggleWalk=0 ToggleGadgetDeploymentGamepad=0 ToggleGadgetDeploymentKeyboard=0 AimDownSights=50 AimDownSightsMouse=18 ControlSchemeIndex=0 ControllerInputDevice=0 [DISPLAY] ;FPSLimit => Limit the game's fps. Minimum of 30fps. Anything below will disable the fps limit. Brightness=50.000000 FPSLimit=0 [AUDIO] ;Dynamic Range mode: (0) Hi-Fi, (1) TV, (2) Night Mode ;VoiceChatCaptureMode => 0 Auto / 1 Manual / 2 Push to talk Subtitle=0 Volume=1.000000 VolumeMusic=0.000000 VolumeSoundEffects=1.000000 VolumeVoice=1.000000 DynamicRangeMode=0 VoiceChatPlaybackLevel=0 VoiceChatCaptureThresholdV2=35 VoiceChatCaptureMode=2 VoiceChatCaptureLevel=0 Mute=0 VoiceChatMuteAll=0 VoiceChatTeamOnly=1 VoiceChatVolume=5 [GAMEPLAY] PartyPrivacyEnable=1 GameplayPingEnable=1 RealSenseDroneEnable=0 RealSenseOBSPath= RealSenseSize=0.166700 RealSensePosX=0.010000 RealSensePosY=0.990000 RealSenseHighQuality=0 RealSenseProfile=-1 [ONLINE] ;DataCenterHint => ; default 'ping based' ; eus 'us east' ; cus 'us central' ; scus 'us south central' ; wus 'us west' ; sbr 'brazil south' ; neu 'europe north' ; weu 'europe west' ; eas 'asia east' ; seas 'asia south east' ; eau 'australia east' ; wja 'japan west' ; ;if UseProxyAutoDiscovery is set to true, http_proxy or https_proxy or all_proxy and no_proxy are going to be looked up and used for all http calls DataCenterHint=default UseUPnP=1 UseProxyAutoDiscovery=0
  9. Hey, so I'm having issues with ADS. As soon as I ADS its like I get 0 sen, meaning I cant move my sight at all when I ADS. But my hipfire accuracy is perfect! These are my settings Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege - All w/ ADS Sensitivity 1: MouseYawSensitivity=50 Sensitivity 2: AimDownSightsMouse=50 Multiplier 1: MouseSensitivityMultiplierUnit=0.001868 Multiplier 2: XFactorAiming=0.029069 360° distance: 6.761 inches Discrepancy: 0.0163% (0.0011 inches) Config FOV: DefaultFOV=73.74 Actual VFOV: 73.74 degrees Actual HFOV: 106.26 degrees @DPI wizard
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