Hi! I'm new, I bought a subscription and I'm trying to find the right sensitivity for me. However I need help...
I used to play CS:GO on a 4:3 Stretched resolution of 1280 x 960. My sensitivity was 1.75 and DPI 400 - Screen 24 inch.
I'm now trying to play Rainbow Six but can't find the right sensitivity. Can someone help me convert it? I play on a 16:10 Aspect ratio, 1920x1080 res.
I need it converted and I can't figure out how to do it on my own; also, I want to know if the "Ironsights" represents both ironsights and holos, red dot sights and reflex sights? I'm confused as I mainly use holo and i'm not sure which category it fits in: ACOG, Ironsights or hipfire.
Thanks, Alex :]