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Everything posted by Teddyjo

  1. Do I need to set the FOV type to 4:3 for both games? Or just csgo and then keep call of duty at 16:9? Will it mater what fov I set call of duty at? I thought using horizontal monitor distance match 0% makes it it doesn’t matter what FOV number you set. Thanks
  2. I'm still struggling to fully understand this. I also can't find where anyone is saying to use MDH 0% instead of MDV 0% specifically when converting 4:3 to 16:9.
  3. Should i set the Call of duty FOV to try and match the true HFOV of csgo?
  4. Do i need to match monitor distance-vertical 0% or monitor distance-horizontal 0%
  5. For some reason I can’t find his post easily. Could you link it?
  6. Thank you both for the valuable input. Am I doing myself a favor, I.e. more efficient aiming accuracy and adaptability, by matching all 4 conversion setups to “Monitor-Distance-Vertical” at 0%, as opposed to another method? I use this method based of a guide from this website. I guess I’m looking for true data on this rather than hypothesis. I believe that guide stated that matching monitor distance vertically (or horizontally) at 0% was, ASSUMED, to best method for making MICRO adjustments to recoil, which seemed like the author BELIEVED that this was the most valuable aiming mechanic to keep consistent amongst all games. I see where he is coming from, however, I’m looking for data to back this up. If not, it would be a really interesting study to test different conversion setup methods to determine the BEST way to use this calculator. I do feel that the authors explanation of recoil and micro adjustment on a target is VERY valuable, but there are many more aiming mechanics that occur rather than this. Thank you. Reference to "Conversion method guide. (and other FAQ's)" by Skidushe
  7. Trying to convert Counter-Strike: Global Offensive pro's , s1mple, sensitivity over to Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2019. S1mple plays with a resolution of 1280x960, 4:3 aspect ratio-stretched (no black bars I believe) on a 24.5 inch 1920x1080 16x9 monitor. Call of duty uses 16x9 aspect ratio. My question is whether or not I should set the CSGO resolution as 1280x960 or if I should set it as 1920x1080, because of this quote from the FOV notes pertaining to COD, "You need to enter the resolution without black bars if you play with them. I.e. playing 1920x1440 with black bars is 1920x1200" I don't know if s1mple's 4:3 stretched aspect ratio means if black bars are, or, are considered not present when a resolution is stretched. That's why I don't understand if I should set CSGO FOV as 1280x960 or 1920x1080. I set everything to cm and I match monitor distance at 0% across all shooting games I play. Thank you. I also hope i'm interpreting everything correctly on this website.
  8. Your welcome, you can add me on origin if you want to play apex.
  9. Go here https://jscalc.io/calc/Q1gf45VCY4tmm2dq and click on the box that says Option: Convert field of view to cl_fovScale then leave the FOV type as default. Scroll down till you see "Field of view degrees" (which is where you are typing in your desired FOV. After doing so, the information you need is on the right. cl_fovScale. Use that value and place it into the mouse sensitivity website box FOV and then when you look at your actual result for HFOV and VFOV for apex, itll be closer to overwatch and the cm/360 will be different
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