Thank you both for the valuable input. Am I doing myself a favor, I.e. more efficient aiming accuracy and adaptability, by matching all 4 conversion setups to “Monitor-Distance-Vertical” at 0%, as opposed to another method? I use this method based of a guide from this website. I guess I’m looking for true data on this rather than hypothesis. I believe that guide stated that matching monitor distance vertically (or horizontally) at 0% was, ASSUMED, to best method for making MICRO adjustments to recoil, which seemed like the author BELIEVED that this was the most valuable aiming mechanic to keep consistent amongst all games. I see where he is coming from, however, I’m looking for data to back this up. If not, it would be a really interesting study to test different conversion setup methods to determine the BEST way to use this calculator. I do feel that the authors explanation of recoil and micro adjustment on a target is VERY valuable, but there are many more aiming mechanics that occur rather than this. Thank you.
Reference to "Conversion method guide. (and other FAQ's)" by Skidushe