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Everything posted by Siroh

  1. Currently using the HyperX Fury S pro speed edition pad and the g403, however after so much use of the g403 the mouse feet have completely worn off, so i ordered a rival 310 and logitech g305 wireless and am gonna try the artisan hien MID XL (wine red) with those two mice, Very good review/overview
  2. So i want to know what is fundamentally better for building muscle memory and why, Using cm/360 conversion for hipfire across all games and then monitor distance vertical 0% for ads and scope, or just all around monitor distance vertical 0% for everything across all games at different fovs. Please explain why, having trouble deciding between the two.
  3. I would strongly recommend you to use the psa method on a game that requires good tracking such as Overwatch or Quake (Here's a video on how to do it: This way you get a good baseline sensitivity that you will track well with, with little to no warmup time which should help in building your best possible muscle memory. Then use 0% monitor distance conversion since mathematically it's the best one to hold up for building fundamental muscle memory. Hope this helps!
  4. Hey i'm just wondering for the people out there like myself who use monitor distance match 0%, how long did it take you guys to get used to it compared to 360 distance? I've been using it for around a week now and still have trouble with my aim going from a game like csgo to fortnite and then to kovaaks, obviously the fov is different but you should with a little bit of time get adjusted to that difference, so i'm wondering in general how long it toke you guys to get used to it.
  5. It's a bug within BFV, It didn't change for me either. If you're reffering to it being "off" as in the stuttering issue then all i did was update windows and update my drivers for my gpu and it fixed itself, i even submitted a bug report to dice, but if you know how much dice (not sarcastic at all) takes pride in their just brilliant games, they insisted that it was an issue on my end and not something flawed within the games code itself, even though i tested it on all other games and was working just fine on every single other game (including BF4 and BF1)
  6. Thanks! will test it out
  7. @DPI Wizard @Drimzi Any ideas?
  8. Hey. I'm currently playing a lot of games that all have different fov's and such. BF4: 84 (+100) BFV: 74(+90) Black Ops 4: 120 Overwatch: 103 csgo: Default obviously Kovaak's: 90 (vertical 1:1) and i'm wondering what conversion method i should use that will give me the best possible improvement of my aim with time played. I've seen people recommend Viewspeed and MonitorDistanceMatch but that cm/360 is outdated. I would also like (Not necessary but if i can i would like to) keep my desktop sensitivity around the same as in games. Let me know
  9. Hey, i want to use my csgo settings in aiming.pro, what fov should i use as well as the sensitivity? I'm a little bit confused as the sens that i'm getting won't even allow me to do a 180 and i think my calculation is messed up. Here's what i've put down. (I'm using MDM V 0%)
  10. I'm assuming by 0% you're talking about horizontal right?
  11. I'm training in aim hero and in kovaaks and would like to know what the best conversion method is to keep my muscle memory and flicks the exact same across all games. I use a variety of fov's because all games have an fov which i feel is optimal (example: anything below 105 on black ops 4 is just dumb in my opinion while anything over 90 on battlefield 4 is also dumb) Was wondering if there's any other aim enthusiasts who can tell me how to carry across my sensitivity across all games so that i can build on flicking and muscle memory? thanks in advance.
  12. Thanks guys, decided to choose 40cm/360 and roll with it, time for some kovaaks and training.
  13. So I’m looking for recommendations of a good comfortable sensitivity range (preferably in cm/360) for all types of games, I play black ops 4, rainbow six siege, csgo, battlefield, (even Minecraft with my cousins), quake, etc. any recommendations within a certain range that I should try?
  14. So match it 0% horizontally? Like this?: https://gyazo.com/0ccb7dae603a7ce1331954534363bde0
  15. If you're asking if it's possible to be precise using high sensitivity then yes, quake players use very high sens at like 20cm or so. Although i don't understand why you'd want to use your arm for high sensitivity, arm aiming is supposed to help you move the mouse quickly with low sens and wrist aiming is supposed to allow you to be somewhat precise at high sens. They both have their drawbacks, High sensitivity will allow you to turn around very quickly on enemies which is why it's used in games like quake and cod and bf, but you won't be able to headshot as easily at range. With low sensitivity however, you will be able to headshot very well at long range but struggle in terms of tracking your targets and making flick shots on enemies at close range. This is why medium sensitivity is optimal (Somewhere around shrouds sensitivity at 40cm/360) because it allows you to be more precise in headshots at range but allows you to flick quickly in close range and track targets. If you don't have an extended mouse mat i'd recommend just making your sensitivity = 1 swipe from the left to the right of your mousepad be a 360 in game because this is both the lowest sens you can have while still being fast enough to turn on enemies quickly. (also gives you the optimal sensitivity for your setup)
  16. 1. Look up some professional players nvidia settings, turn max prerendered frames to 1 and make sure everything is set to performance and such for little input lattency and higher frames 2. This is for 4:3 and 16:10 resolutions and resolutions with different aspect ratios then your monitor, ideally if you play 1 game like counterstrike or rainbow six siege where you can both used stretched then set it to fullscreen but if you're going to play other games in 16:9 or whatever then set this to the other mode (aspect i think it's called) which will give it black bars on the sides which will make it feel more like 16:9 3. You should have your frames uncapped so that you get as little input latency as possible as long as your not screen tearing as well as giving you room in case of frame drops, however you'e not going to notice a difference in 250fps vs 400fps on a 144hz monitor being 144 frames is what the monitor puts out no matter what (which is the reason it's called 144hz btw) 4. NO, NEVER use acceleration, it is horrible for both aim and muscle memory which is why a HUGE amount of competitive fps players NEVER use acceleration. hope this helps.
  17. I am using 400 dpi on my g403 mouse, i have 1920x1080 resolution and 100% scale on windows, can someone match that sensitivity to Black ops 4 for me and explain what they did so that i can figure it out for other games? (I use 1920x1080 on b04 and 120 fov) (also want the same for hipfire and ads)
  18. You can try making the 360 distance for csgo the same as when you're aiming down sights, that way if you're not using uniform soldier aiming your hipfire will be faster and ads will be the one you're used to making it easy to spin around but be accurate when actually going to shoot. IF you're using uniform soldier aiming on however, i suppose you're going to either have to lower your fov to csgo's fov ( 74+90 ) or get used to the slower sensitivity. GL
  19. Logitech G403. It's fine in games like Black ops 4 and BF4 and BF1 but on BFV it's slower sometimes and then without even changing my sensitivity it fixes itself to where it should be, if i relaunch to game or go to practice range that is.
  20. I tested it, whenever im in game and lagging my sens is slower but if i exit and go to test range, it's how it should be. It seems to "fix" itself for some reason, really weird.
  21. Technically not a "mouse sensitivity" question but i figured people would be able to help anyways since reddit was un-able to answer my question. I would like to know the Hitmarker size from BFV and BF1 To BF4. I use 1920x1080 with 70 percent hud scaling on BF4 and would like to have the same settings (As much as possible) between both games, any help or information or even a direct answer would be appreciated https://gyazo.com/472a22dba8946703deb5e5dd691a1c90 (Picture for reference)
  22. So i'm playing on 400 dpi with 17 in game. (Same in bf4 and bf1) but my sensitivity feels much much slower. I decided to test this in game and my 360 on hipfire is around the distance of my mousepad (38 cm) when it should be 32 cm. Any advice? I copied my sens over the best as i could using the website but it still feels this way. IS there any in game or config things i should tweak to fix this? Thanks.
  23. Okay thanks, didn't know if it would be 74 (+90) or not.
  24. Just need to know, if i play on 90 fov on R6 and 16:9 1920 what would to equivalent be on BF?
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