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  1. Yeah I think the Darktide calculator probably needs an update. Also @Skwuruhl, if I want my ADS sensitivity to be different from my hipfire sensitivity, do you know how to calculate it? For example: Like this, if I want my ADS sensitivity to be less than my hipfire sensitivity (because I like to have a consistent lower sensitivity for ADS across games), I think I should just put this 0.230 number into my "Sensitivity (Ranged Alternate Fire)" in game?
  2. Oh cool, thank you so much!
  3. Hi, there is now a new mod called Granular Settings: https://www.nexusmods.com/warhammer40kdarktide/mods/38 This allows you to set more precise Sensitivities and FOV. So you can set more decimal points and also have bigger FOV numbers. However, our calculator can't produce accurate numbers, only telling me to set it to 0.4 and "Max discrepancy: 9.0839% (1.4719 centimeters)". Can we have an option to allow the calculator to output more precise numbers? As precise as possible. Also the max FOV with mod is 105 Vdeg, I assume the calculator can still calculate correctly, even with the warning of "This FOV is above the registered maximum for the game, verify your input."?
  4. btw, from what Wizard you said, I assume it means that you tested, and found that there isn't any differences compared to OW1? As in, the FOV system used is identical, and the way the screen is distorted for the FOV is also identical? I tried to do some simple testing myself, but I can't find out any mouse smoothing in the game. It feels like moving your mouse fast and slow results in the same distance. Yet when playing the game, I can clearly feel it is "difficult" to turn the camera a long distance. I do "feel" that playing around with controller settings changes mouse behavior. But yeah, it's a really weird thing.
  5. I hang around in Reddit's /r/OverwatchUniversity a lot, and I think the majority of us do think the aim have something weird going on. We talked about it more in this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/OverwatchUniversity/comments/y551ly/even_after_trying_essentially_all_the_fixes_that/ But yeah, I was playing around with the settings, turning Controller's Horizontal and Vertical Sensitivity to 100%, Aim Smoothing and Aim Ease In to 0%, Legacy Movement/Aim to On, Force Keyboard/Mouse UI to On, Aim Technique to Linear Ramp, and yeah... Honestly I can't really tell if it works. But I think something changed. It feels different now.
  6. Oh cool, but yeah I think you are right. I was testing changing the windows mouse sensitivity setting to something other than 6/11. That also don't seem to affect any of the sensitivity in 3D games. I think this means most 3D games just receives info from your mouse "directly"? And windows barely affect how information is transferred from mouse to game?
  7. So, Windows have this feature where you can change the Display Scaling. I notice that changing this setting also change how fast your mouse moves on the desktop. So a 200% setting would make the mouse move twice as fast as in 100% setting, assume all else is equal. I see that mouse sensitivity calculators never talk about this setting, is it because it doesn't actually affect the sensitivity in non desktop stuff? Like how fast you look around in FPS games?
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