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  1. The calc doesn't work for Alpha 21. Can this be fixed or can I be refunded? I renewed sub to use the calc and input my settings, but the command doesn't work in the latest experimental release. It's been 2 days now. I've been reasonably patient about a response by this point. Edit: To clarify when I posted this earlier, I didn't expect it to be fixed this quickly. I just wanted a response to know someone is aware of the issue.
  2. with the new Alpha 21 release, when attempting to use sg OptionsMouseSensitivity in the console it gives the error: Error parsing parameter: OptionsMouseSensitivity. Worked fine before this update. If you don't put a value, for example, sg OptionsMouseSensitivity instead of sg OptionsMouseSensitivity [value] it says: Parameters: <game pref> <value>. I've tried creating a world and backing out thinking maybe the values just weren't added to a file or something. Also restarted. Nothing. I think they changed the structure of the command.
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