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  1. i noticed that also
  2. Hello?
  3. so for the non scoped guns they all have the same fov
  4. So can someone help me with converting bf1 hip fire to battalion 1944 ads. For the ads would i use viewspeed v2, this is what i have so far https://gyazo.com/8edd2d544c668c9b304d44fdb027e10d and im wondering if this is correct or should i be doing something else. i really need it to be 1:1 or would that be impossible because of the FOV.
  5. i do use USA but its not 100% exact
  6. anyone?
  7. Am i doing this right or not im confused now, idk which viewspeed i should use. i need 1.25 zoom to be exact to my hipfire like 1.00 is.
  8. Hi Will you be doing the different ADS sensitivities For BF1
  9. Battlefield 1 Open beta? i dont know if someone already asked this but it would be awesome if you could
  10. Verdun http://steamcommunity.com/app/242860 And Ghost In The Shell: Standalone Complex http://store.steampowered.com/app/369200/ Thanks Love The Site.
  11. Squad. Its A New Early Access Game On Steam http://store.steampowered.com/app/393380/
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