Hey I just recently bought a subscripion ;D love ur site <3
I also would rly appreciate it if u were to add osu to the calculator.
I am a math and physics student and curently trying to match my osu sensivity to the scoped sensivity in bf3.
My dpi is 650 so I need 7,502769cm to move my mouse once across the hole screen in osu.
The sensivity multiplicator while zommed is 0.5. The game allows for vertical fov adjustments.
I calculated the fov while scoped to be 80° (horizontaly).
So in order to match my scoped sensivity to my osu sensivity I multiplied my 7.027cm by 4.5(360°/80°).
so my sensivity for a 360 should be 30.011076923115996cm.
Since the sensivity multiplier is 0.5 my accutal hipfire sensivity should be 15.005538461557998cm for a 360° turn.
I am not rly sure if I calculated everything right.
I would appreciaate it if u can say me if my calculations are rigth or wrong or maybe add a osu to bf3 sensivity calculation mode ;D